Chistmas Week: Keith x Reader, Coffee Shop AU

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Keith trudged down the snow slope, his fingers frostbite and cold under his black gloves.
He definitely wasn't made for the cold- he hated it.
He breathed out, watching his breath wrap into a cloud of mist in the air. He smiled to himself- it had been a fun day. He had learn how to ski, he went in the snow for the first time in his life, but it was definitely something he didn't want to do again. He was sore from hitting the snow so much, and his skin felt like ice. When everyone had asked for coffee, he quickly agreed to go get it for the group, even though he didn't care for coffee that much. He just wanted to get out of the cold.
Finally, he saw the coffee shop, a rustic sign hanging over the red town door. He opened the gold door knob, and tinkling chime going off as he entered.
The smell of brewing coffee hit him and the whir of coffee machines blending against each other made a welcoming noise.To Keith's surprise, the coffee shop was empty, except for a frost bitten looking snowboarder and older woman typing madly on a laptop.
He looked around- the coffee shop was very quaint. It was small and comfy, with wooden chairs, warm lighting, and red and gold trinkets on shelves and counters all around the room.
His feet gravitated his towards the counter, where a girl with a messy ponytail was doing-something (he couldn't tell).
She spun around, her pony whipping around perfectly onto her light brown tee. Keith's heart thumped unexpectedly- she was really pretty.
"Oh hi!" she said walking up to keith, "Sorry 'bout that, I didn't even hear you!"
"Its-fine," he replied, his eyes focusing on the worn wood of the counter.
The girl paused. "Wait....are you- Keith Kogane?"
Keith shot up his head in shock. "What?" he asked confused. Does he know her?
"Oh my god, you are!" the girl's face broke out into a huge smile, excitement evident on her face. "Your the Black Paladin!"
"How do you know that?" Keith asked, his cheeks surprisingly warming up quickly. This girl knows him, and his team. He didn't know what to think.
The girl shrugged her shoulders, a bashful look on her face. "Ima bag fan of you guys... ya know after you saved Earth and all then you have that show.... And you do have the mark on your face," she smiled timidly, pointing at the spot where Keith's scar would be on her cheek.
"Oh," he touched the mark on his face, feeling kinda honoured in a way. He didn't think people actually recognized him.
She smiled again as she put piece of hair behind your maroon colored hat.
"And it helps your wearing all black and red."
Keith looked down, realizing that she was right- his whole outfit was black, save for the red flannel he wrapped around his jeans.
"Well," he laughed, "that makes sense."
She laughed with him, making his chest feel warmer and his anxiety ebb a little.
"So," she asked sweetly, "what can I get you?"
Keith said "oh" again, realising he was actually here for something. He pulled out a crumpled piece of paper, reading what his friends had asked to get.
She giggled quietly as she watched him- he was really cute.
"Um...." Keith struggled a little to read his sloppy handwriting, "one small chai tea, one medium hot chocolate, one large caramel coffee with extra whip, one large white mocha coffee with extra whip, and... a black coffee."
The girl wrote down the orders quickly, then looked at Keith with an amused look.
"Let me guess..." she mused as she pointed at each order she wrote down, "the chai is for Shiro, the hot chocolate is for Pidge, the large mocha is Hunk's, Lance's is the caramel, and your the black coffee."
He looked at her with a mix of amusement and astonishment.
"Close... the mocha is for Lance and the caramel is for Hunk," he corrected good-naturedly. She had surprisingly gotten the rest right.
"Aw shucks!" she joked, scrunching her nose as she snapped her fingers. Keith thought her expression was adorable. "It makes sense thought."
"How were able to figure that out?" he asked, his stomach itching to know.
"Told ya," she smirked, "pretty big fan- its not hard to know who would get what."
Keith nodded in agreement, trying hard to not stare, but stare at the girl. In an effort to not look like a creep, he began to add up the order. It was just barelu under 20 dollars, which was good, because he only had a 20 dollar bill on him.
"Alrightie..." the girl said under her breath as she punched the last few numbers in the cash register, "thatll be 10.50 please."
Keith looked at her in surprise. "Wait- it should have been a 20, right?"
" got a 'Paladin' discount," her eyes gleamed with mischief, making his stomach flare up in butterflies.
"Is that even aa thing?" he questioned, a smile playing on his lips.
"It is now!" she laughed, watching his cheeks flare a little pink.
Keith was so confused- a girl had never gone out her way to do something nice like that.
"Well...thanks," he mumbled, a little lose for words. God how could one girl do this to him.
"Its all good," she said happily, "I'll get those done in a sec."
She turned around, Keith watching her pretty hair flip again. He turned his back on the counter, deciding to walk around the store a bit- it couldn't take too long to make a few coffees.

"What's taking so long?" Keith thought grumpily- it felt like it had been forever.

Finally, the girl said something. "So what brings you to Snow Peaks?"
Oh, right," he thought. That's the place they were staying for the week.
He shrugged his shoulders as he placed his now warm hands in his pockets.
"Just wanted to go in the snow for a bit. Explore, I guess."
"Know any places you wanna go o here?" she asked conversationally as she placed lots of whip cream on a drink.
He chuckled. "Not really... were kinda just winging it."
She giggled kindly, looking up at him through her lashes.
"Well, if you ever need a guide, I've got you."
"Thanks," he said, a small smile tugging on his lips.
"No problem!"
"And... your drinks are ready! Sorry it took so long," she apologized, a sorry smile on her face.
His slight frustration melted away. "Your good," he said, "and thanks for-
He didn't know really what to thank and how to say it- thanks for giving me a discount? Sounds too formal. Thanks for being nice to me? Sounds weird. Thanks for being a fan? Sounds way too entitled for his liking.
"-everything, I guess."
Not amazing but- it'll do.
"No problem," she waved. "Bye Keith!"
He waved back as he grabbed the drinks, butterflies flitting in his stomach as he felt a little sad. He really liked that girl and wished he could talk to her more.
He walked outside, the bitter cold biting his exposed skin. He set the drinks down on a snow frosted table, wanting to get his coffee out and chug it to warm himself up.
He turned each cup, expecting to see something simple like "Black Coffee" sprawled on one, and saw something much different.
Each cup had a different color and name and symbol to match.
The chai one had "Shiro" in purple and the paladin armor symbol.
The hot chocolate said "Pidge" in green and a little green tree on the side.
Lance's was in blue and had a seashell next to his name, and Hunk's was in orange, with a small little gingerbread cookie wearing a bow tie.
Keith smiled to himself, the adorable artistry of his anonymous barista making him feel warm inside. She really did all that for his friends- and that's what took so long.
And he didn't even care.
The smile still on his face, Keith looked at his drink.
His was characteristically in red, his name drawn in pretty cursive. Instead of a symbol, his cup had a phone number, and a message:
(Just in case you still want that tour)
And a heart next to her name.

His stomach exploded in fireworks, her name being repeated in his head.
He liked it.
A lot. He looked back at the coffee shop, and then at the drinks.
He began to walk, the cold not even bothering him at all. His body felt so happy it could burst into flames.
"I guess we'll finally have something to do tomorrow," he thought wistfully as he saw his friends in the distance.

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