Christmas Week: Shiro x Reader, Disney/Modern AU

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(from Tumblr w/ @vld-writing-for-all on Tumblr)
"Shiro-I," you sighed worriedly, "I'm not gonna be able to do this."
You sat on the icy bench, your glittering costume doing nothing to hold heat, making you shiver more.
Shiro smiled.
"You're gonna be amazing," he assured you.
You shot your head up, the sudden movement making the jewels of the costume chime like little bells.
"But-" You exclaimed, wanting to argue. A sigh came from you, knowing you couldn't argue with him.
"It's just-if I mess up, everyone is going to know. And I'm a pretty big part of the show, so if I screw up, the whole show is too."
"Hey-" Shiro reaches out, putting his hand on your shoulder as he bent down to meet your eyes. "You're going to be fine. You've practiced so much, and you're going to be amazing."
You sighed. It's true-when you had auditioned for the Disney-Themed show, you were nervous and excited. They had said that the girls could possibly get a Disney Princess which you were hoping you would get(cause Who doesn't wanna be a Princess?). You had expected to get an obscure Princess if you did get a solo part, one that wasn't as popular-like Pocahontas or Mulan.
The producers had said that they weren't going to pick off of ethnicity-if they saw someone they liked for a solo, they would most likely get it, no matter their skin tone.
The day the cast was announced, you had expected to be a background dancer. No one special, nothing crazy. But when they put up the cast list and you checked your name-you gasped in horror.
You got Elsa.
The most well known and famous Princess.
The weeks after, You had worked your butt off to look good for your solo, and it was difficult. Everyone knew the song, watched the movie like 20 million times-everyone would know who you were. And if you didn't deliver-you'd be the laughing stock of the show.
So now you sat on opening night freaking out.
"I don't know..." you said, wringing your hands together, "I'm still scared."
"Then don't be." Shiro said, his thumb grazing your check.
You chuckled sarcastically, "Wish it was that easy."
He smiled, "It is though-when you go out there, just look for me. And you'll be okay. I promise."
Your lips raised a little.
"I hope that promise works."
"It will." He pecked your lips just as the stage manager ran in to tell you you were on in 2 minutes.
"Bye... I'll see our there-your going to be great."
You giggled nervously. "Hopefully!"

You shook out your arms, the bitter cold of the ice nipping your exposed skin. The dress you were wearing was definitely not helping. The sleeves were an ice blue, silver embroidery reflecting the twinkling lights of the arena, the fabric thin and cool to the touch.
Your hair was tied in a thick braid, crystals adorning the knots.
The last girl on the stage, a skater playing got "sister" Anna, came off, her pretty green dress trailing behind her as her back up dancers followed her lead. She smiled at you, doing a small wave and a "Good luck!" As she escaped into the warmth of the dressing rooms.
The audience applauds died down, and the lights went dim. Your queue to get on stage. You skated quietly to your spot, thinking of your routine and looking frantically for Shiro. You needed him to get through this.
The first few notes of the song began to play, and a collective gasp from little girls filled the room. You smiled nervously-you didn't want to screw this up for them.
You began your routine, your nerves making you hold back. You didn't feel the music like you use too-you needed Shiro to help you. You looked around, and just as the lights go brighter, you saw him-Shiro, with all the other Paladins, cheering you on.
You smiled brighter, a surge of courage sparking your body. You began to, jump,twirl, and skate with all your heart, like it would be your last chance to skate.
And you didn't mess up once.

After the show, you ran out, giddy with happiness. You red coat shielded most your body from the cold, as you ran around looking for your friends.
Many little girls waved to you nervously, their faces lighting up when they saw you. You made sure to wave at each one, their happy little faces making you feel warmer inside.
Finally, you saw you friends looking around for you.
"Hi!" You waved, and they all turned around and wrapped you in a big hug.
You laughed, and when they released you, Shiro handed you a bouquet of flowers.
You cuddled them to your chest, your face lighting up.
He smiled. "I told you you could do it!"

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