Christmas Week: Mall Trip Lance x Reader

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(From Tumblr-My Xmas Week Collab with @vld-writing-for-all (her blog's on Tumblr-go check her out her writings great!)

Day 1
Lance x Reader
(Modern AU)

Warning: a little suggestive, but nothing BAD BAD (is you get ma drift ;)
"Where did he go?!?" you yelled in frustration, Pidge right behind your back as she lugged a huge Playstation VR box in her hands. You were weighed down by bags the size of your torso as you looked frantically looked around for a certain brown-haired boy.
Lance had handed you a bunch of boxes he had bought, and with a peck to your cheek, told you he would be back in a few minutes.
That was 3 hours ago.
"Did you try Forever 21? He kept saying he wanted to go in there," Pidge suggested as she gazed at her present to herself.
"Yes!" you cried in frustration, "and H&M, and Zara, Nordstrom, Macys, the food court... I even went to freaking Sephora!" you sighed in exasperation. "Still couldn't find him."
"Did you call him?"
"Like 36 times-" you stated sadly.
Why did he leave you?
Pidge looked at your disappointed face and felt badly for you. You weren't too excited to go Christmas shopping because you knew the crowds would be crazy, but you were excited to go with Lance. Pidge could tell on your face in the car-your face was fighting to stop smiling. Now, you just looked defeated and tired.
She stopped abruptly, trying to find something to cheer you up.
"Well..." she said slowly, "why don't we just meet up with Keith? I think he's having trouble finding a present for-" Pidge stopped her sentence, looking at a store right behind you in total shock, but then started to smirk evilly.
"What are you...." you asked, spinning in a circle slowly.
And there he was.
Lance freaking McClain.
Inside Victoria's Secret.
Shopping for lingerie.
"Lance?!" you gasped, looking at him in disbelief.
He caught your eye, waving at you happily, as if he didnt leave your for 3 hours. Pidge began to laugh as he drew a huge heart in the air, but then made a barfing sound as he madly pointed at you and a frilly underwear set.
You dropped all your bags, marching into the sickly pink store of Victoria's Secret. You felt your cheeks blush, seeing that girls were starting to stare at you and the overly excited boy in the store. You wanted to laugh, but you were still angry at him- he totally ditched you for a good portion of their shopping trip!
"Lance McClain, where were you?!" you scolded up at him when you reached him
"God hes tall," you thought silently as you looked at his apologetic face.
"Im sorry y/n I-"
You cut him off. "I searched for you for like 3 hours! Why didn't you pick up your phone?" you asked, the sadness cutting in.
"Im really really sorry," he apologized, the sorry filling his words. "Its just- a really long story."
You crossed your arms. "Well, it better be good. And short. My feet are killing me and I don't know if I can stand more than 5 minutes at this point."
Lance straightened his back, readying himself for a super quick story. "Alright- so what happen was I saw this really cute teddy bear for you, and I thought it would be a awesome gift for you, and I thought you would like it- so I ran over to go buy it, ya know, so I could give it to you, as a early Christmas gift... but some dude already bought it. And I really, really wanted it, so I thought maybe I could give him some money and he would maybe buy it from me? Sorta?
"Anyways," he huffed, "I went searching for this guy for like an hour, and when I decided to give up, I was going to call you, but I realized I lost my phone. So I had to go looking for it, and I walked in here and I guess some lady brought it into the store 'cause it was dropped outside."
Lance breathed in, waited quietly for your reaction, a slight blush on his cheeks.
"Wait...." you said, processing everything, "you went...running around a whole mall and lost your phone.... So you could buy me a teddy bear from a random dude?"
Lance looked at his feet. "Well, when you say it out loud, it sounds kinda stupid..." he said in a whisper.
"It kinda is," you agreed. "But that was super sweet." You smiled, your tone changing and making Lance look up.
"You're the best!" he smiled and pulled you into a quick kiss, making you laugh.
You pulled a piece of hair out of your face as you giggled, noticing a small bag in his hand.
"What's that?" you pointed at it, the words 'Victoria Secret' sprawled on it in pink.
"Oh!" he said, almost as if he forgot about it, "It's for you!" He handed you the bag, your eyebrows raised in suspicion.
"If its lingerie-" you stated, "Im not wearing it Lance."
Lance gave you a pout. "Ahhh that's no fun! You'd look good in that-especially tonight." He gave you a suggestive look, making your cheeks go red.
You playfully slapped his arm, making him laugh.
"Kidding, kidding!" he smiled as you gave him a blashful look.
"You better be!" you shook your head as you giggled with him.
You pulled apart the hot pink present tulle, your eyes a mix of confusion and shock.
You pulled out the small blue bear, the words "I Love You Beary Much" scribbled on its plushy blue stomach.
"Wait-I thought you said you couldn't find the guy?" you asked in astonishment, your face spreading into a smile.
Lance shrugged, his cheeks now being the ones red- tinted, "I mighta lied alittle."
You laughed, wrapping your arms around his neck.
"I love you, you adorable idiot!" you cried, your heart bursting with happiness.
Lance smiled. Yeah, he felt pretty stupid buying a bear off a stranger and leaving you for 3 hours. He was hungry, tired, and his feet killed him, but seeing your face so happy made it worth all of it.
He smiled, hugging you close.
"Merry Christmas y/n."

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