First Light-Keith x Reader

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(I'm going to really try to follow how the Paladins cannonly got back on Earth, but I haven't watched that episode I forever so sorry if it's not perfect)
Warnings: None!
Summary: Nobody knew Keith left someone special on Earth. But you knew.
Word Count: 1000+
"What the-" you whispered under your breath. You looked out the window, your mouth agap as you witnessed 5 colorful lions fly gracefully from the sky.
Your hands slipped from the glass, your breathing hitched.
"So it is true," you thought, "Voltron is real."
You ran out, your feet making contact with the cold steel of the corridors. Your orange jacket was a blur as you rushed outside.
You reached the bay doors, a rush of wind hitting your face. You stepped out, staring in front of you.
The lions stood in front of you, each one looking like it had been through better days. Commanders and lieutenants of the
Garrison were running every which way, some just boggling at the beasts.
You couldn't believe it- could it really be him? Could he really have come back?
Your feet gravitated your mesmerized body, the feeling of walking almost nonexistent to you.
you walked past the green lion, and the yellow, and blue....until you reached the largest lion of them all. A tall, regal black lion stood high, it's chipping paint revealing a silver exterior.
Something about it was different. You looked up, wishing it would do anything. You needed answers. And now.
You touched its leg, the metal against your fingertips. Suddenly, the lion moved, and yelp escaped your lips. The lion gave a deep roar, the sound reverberating in your chest.
Everyone around you began running more frantically by the sudden sound, but you planted yourself on the ground. In front of you was the one person you wanted to see so badly your heart ached. He stood at the mouth of the lion, it's head lowered on the ground.
His hair was definitely longer, his face looked older, a purple scar running against his cheek. He looked worn but there he was-your Keith.
Your began running, a smile rising across your lips as he saw you and registered who you were.
You reached him, your smile still in your lips.
"Remember me?" You smiled, your heart breaking a bit, finally seeing his face. You felt your eyes water and you didn't want to cry. But you cared so much for him-it had been so long. And you never knew what happened to him.
He looked at you in shock and guilt. He didn't expect you to actually remember him, or even want to look at him again. He loved you, you were one of the only people who understood him. Was there for him even when his life went south. And he just left you, without any warning.
"Of course I do," his voice broke abit, the huskiness bringing chills down your spin.
You hesitantly put your hand on his chest, wondering if you could still do this with him. Could still reach out and feel him.
Your other hand gently grabbed a tendril of hair on his neck, wrapping it against your finger.
"Still got the mullet I see?"You smirked.
He chuckled, his purple eyes piercing yours.
"God, I've missed you."
And with that, you pulled him in to you, catching his lips with yours.
He tasted like hurt, and longing, and a little hot. Still like the Keith you knew, hot headed and ready for a fight, but different-he had grown so much since the last time you were with him. He had seen things that no one else has, experienced things he shouldn't have had to deal with, but he was still here. Still him.
You were just like Keith remembered, like the Ray of sunshine on a stormy day. You were his sunshine, his excitement, his rock. No matter what, no matter what he was feeling, you were there for him. You never left, after all these years. You still loved him.
You pulled apart, your foreheads touching. You never thought Keith would do that, because he would never kiss you in public on a normal day: but this wasn't a normal day. You had been hoping for this day for so many days you couldn't even remember. After awhile, hurt blurs into what feels like one consecutive day. A long day of hurt that you can't wake up from. But Keith just being there, Keith still loving you, was like waking up from a long nightmare of worry and fear.
You smiled, giggling, just feeling the adrenaline course your veins. You felt every muscle, every vein, every heartbeat that was Keith's and you loved it. It reminded you of what loving was like again.
"Whoa!!" You heard a voice call from in front of you. You both looked up, Keith grabbing your hand protectively like he used to, making you smile more.
"I didn't know Keith had a girlfriend!" A ginger girl yelled in front you, a evil smirk on her face.
"Wait-y/n?!?" She cried, recognizing you.
You laughed, looking at her astonished face.
"Yep,its me!" You started proudly
You looked at the two, realizing what they were wearing and suddenly being confused more than you were. Now that the adrenaline was ebbing away, you had so many questions swarming in your head.
You yelled a question to the girl.
"And Pidge-can you please explain to me what you guys are wearing?!?"
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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2019 ⏰

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