Chapter One

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Just so you know, this is my first real fan-fic, so my editing gets better throughout the story. Anyways, hope ya'll enjoy! Btw, you are in grade 6 (which means you're.... 16?), and this is set at the time of the Triwizard Tournament. Also, just pretend Ron likes you even tho you're like, 2-3 years older than him. Oh! And you're Cedric's younger sister, you just went to the Weasley's house for the summer and Cedric didn't.

***Y/N's POV***

I walked into the twins bedroom who were both still sleeping, and snoring very loudly. I walked over to Fred's bed and shook him awake. Mrs. Weasley had made the girls get up really early so we could get ready, then she made us wake up the boys. Well, me and Hermione had to wake them up, not Ginny. Fred's eyes shot open and looked at me in shock.

"Bloody hell! What are you doing here?" He asked, pulling his blanket over his chest.

He was shirtless and obviously didn't want anyone seeing him shirtless. I just laughed before waking up George. Luckily, he didn't react the  same as Fred.

"Come one! Get your ass up, Fred! We have to go! Same with you George!" I yelled a the two boys. "And don't go back to sleep!"

I walked out of the room and knew that the boys had gone back to sleep. I smirked when I had a great prank to pull on them. I ran down to the kitchen and grabbed two buckets. I filled them with water and ran back upstairs, the buckets of water still in my hands. I sneaked into their room and poured a bucket on George, but before he could react, I ran over to Fred and poured the other bucket on his head.

I laughed as the two of them screamed. The two of them jumped up and started running after me. I ran out of the room. I ran down the stairs and into the lounge room, accidentally running into someone. I landed on top them and realized that it was Ronald. I smiled and quickly got off of him, but then I got pushed to the floor by Fred attacking me by tickling me. After what felt like ages of him tickling me and me almost dying from laughter, his mother yelled at him to get off me. 

She also told him that it was (apparently) rude to tickle a girl. Fred stood up and put his hand put for me to take. I took it and he helped me up, before trying to get the water out of his ginger hair, creating a little puddle of water on the floor.

"Fred Weasley! How dare you put water on my lounge room floor! Go and have a shower!" Mrs. Weasley yelled while she hit Fred with a book in the head. 

I giggled as he smirked at me before running up to his room and getting changed. I quickly grabbed my bag as the twins ran downstairs, changed into their clothes for the day. Mr. Weasley called all of us and we walked out the door, right after Molly told the twins to get rid of any prank things.

We had been walking for awhile and were meeting up with my brother Cedric. I wasn't really paying attention because all of a sudden Cedric was in front of me. I smiled at him and hugged him. He hugged back before he caught up with our father who was leading the way. I looked at Hermione and smirked at her.

"I can try to see if he wants t go on a date?" I smirked.

"What? No! I don't like him like that!" Hermione's eyes went wide before she started to speed up her pace.

I just laughed before walking up to the twins. We were in the same grade, I was just younger then them by three months. 

"Well, hello, Y/N!" They laughed in unison. 

"Well, hello, twins!" I smiled.

***Time Skip, Brought to You by Fred's Adorableness***

We had finally arrived at the Portkey. It was just an old boot, which I thought was really weird. Everyone crowded around it and Arthur told to us to lay on our stomachs and put a hand on the Portkey. Everyone did as he said and before we knew it, we were shot up into the air.

"Let go!" Arthur yelled.

"What?" Hermione, Ron and Harry yelled.

"Let go, now!" He yelled.

Everyone did as he said and I screamed as I fell from really high up in the air. I smashed onto the ground with a big thud, as did the others. And I almost got squashed by Fred, luckily I moved out of the way before my bones got crushed. I quickly stood up and helped Fred get to his feet. Every saw that my dad, Cedric and Arthur were literally walking in the air.

I rolled my eyes as I saw Hermione and Ginny smirk at each other before we started walking to our tents. Dad and Cedric went to their own tent as I went with Ginny, Hermione and the boys. We walked inside the tent and I smiled as I noticed that it was huge on the inside. I even heard Harry say that he loved magic when he walked through the doors. 

I walked over the room that me and the girls would sharing, then put my stuff on a bed and got ready for the game.

***Time Skip***

We were walking up the stairs to get to our seats. Arthur had said that they were the best seats because we were right at the top. 

"Bloody hell, dad. How far up are we?" Ron asked we continued to climb the stairs.

We heard the laugh of a very familiar person and looked down to see Draco and his father Lucius looking up at us. 

"Well, put it this way. If it rains, you'll be the first to know!" Lucius laughed.

"Father and I are in the Ministry's Box. A personal invitation of Cornelius Fudge himself," Draco's father hit him in the stomach with his stick.

"Don't gossip, Draco." He growled. "There is no need  with these . . . people," 

Harry put his hand on Hermione's shoulder and before we could move, Lucius grabbed Harry's hand with his stick. Honestly it made him look an old man!

"Do enjoy yourself, won't you? While you can," Lucius laughed before letting go and walking away.

Fred took my hand and dragged me up the stairs as he others followed close behind. Before I knew it, we were at our seats, but we had to climb under a bar to get to them first.

"C'mon. I told you these seats would be worth waiting for!" Arthur smiled as we all took our seats.

Well, we didn't really sit down, we just leaned on the railing the whole time.

"C'mon!" Fred yelled as he lent over the railing.

"Yeah!" George laughed.

Suddenly, the Irish flew over our heads and into the stadium. Then the whole stadium erupted with people cheering them on.

"It's the Irish!" Fred yelled. "There's Troy!"

He said, pointing at someone. Suddenly, fireworks exploded and a little Irish dude started dancing in mid air. 

"Here come the Bulgarians!" One of twins yelled.

Then, the little dancing Irish man exploded in red as the Bulgarians flew through it. Everyone cheered and screamed as one of them started to really cool tricks on his broom.

"Who's that?" Ginny asked.

"That, sis, is the best seeker in the world!" George laughed. (I honestly have no idea which twin said that)

The whole crowd started yelling out 'Krum' as he flew past them. Especially the twins. Then a massive photo of him appeared and followed his every move until Fudge started to talk.

"Good evening. As Minister for Magic, it gives me great pleasure to welcome each and every one of you to the final of the 422 World Cup." He paused for a moment before speaking again. "Let the match . . . BEGIN!"

Everyone cheered and watched as the game began. I couldn't help but notice that Fred had glanced over at me. I looked at him and smiled before looking back at the game and cheering the Irish on.

A/N: Hope Y'all Enjoyed! 

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