Chapter Eight

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***Y/N's POV***

I stood next to Fred as we cheered when the champions walked out from their dressing rooms and stood in front of something that looked like a maze. I waved at Cedric and my father as I spotted them. Cedric smiled widely at me, laughing a little bit.

"Silence!" Dumbledore yelled as he stood on a podium.

Everyone went quiet as we sat down.

"Earlier today, Professor Moody placed the Triwizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows its exact position. Now as, Mr. Diggory--"

Dumbledore was cut off by people cheering him on, including myself. My father grabbed Cedric's hand put it up in the air, making everyone cheer even louder. 

"and Mr. Potter tied for fist position, they will be the first to enter the maze, followed by Mr. Krum, Miss. Delacour." Dumbledore looked around before speaking again. "The first person to touch the cup will be the winner. I've instructed staff to patrol the perimeter. Should at any point a contestant would wish to withdraw from the task, he or she need only send up red sparks with their wand."

Dumbledore said something to the champions before they walked over to where they had to go inside the maze.

"Champions, prepare yourselves."

Every body stood up cheering as they watched the match begin. I watched as my father hugged Cedric before saying something to him and leaving. Cedric turned around and smiled at me, giving me a little wave before him and Harry were told to go inside the maze, the entrance closing behind them.

***Cedric's POV***

I was so excited as I walked into the maze, but when the entrance closed behind me, I had a small panic attack. Professor Dumbledore had told us that people change in the maze, I was just scared that I would change . . . or worse . . . die. I took a deep breath before walking down the long pathway, looking at the green bushes that towered over me. I have to admit that I was scared as I walked through the maze, turning left and right, jumping at every sound I heard.

It wasn't long before I heard Fleur scream, and it sounded like it close. I quickly sped up my speed, turning right at a corner and bumping straight into Krum. I turned to run but he shot a spell at me which I luckily deflected. He was about to shoot another spell at me when Harry ran in between us. 

"Move!" I yelled at him as I deflected another spell. "Get down!"

I quickly hid behind a small hedge before yelling 'expelliarmus' at Krum, making him fly backwards. I quickly got my feet and ran over to Krum, pointing my wand at him, but Harry stopped me.

"No. No. Stop! He's bewitched, Cedric!" Harry yelled.

"Get off me!" I yelled before pushing him into a bush and turning to run for the Cup.

I noticed that Harry was  right behind me, catching up to me. We started grabbing each other shirts, trying to get to the cup before the person. As soon as we turned a corner, we stopped and looked at the Triwizard Cup. It was still pretty far away, but it looked like we could still get to it. Me and harry looked at each other before running after it, the ground beginning to break under out feet, making the roots of the bushes grab at our ankles.

I tried not to fall over as I pushed the roots and flying pieces of leaves and sticks, out of the way. I continued to run as I could Harry right behind me. As soon as I looked back in front of me, a root grabbed my ankle and made me hit the floor as others continued wrap around my body, trapping me.

"Harry! Help!" I yelled, trying to break free.

He stopped and looked at me, then back at the Triwizard Cup before shooting a spell and running over to me, helping me get to my feet. I stood up and looked at Harry.

"Thank you," I said.

"No problem," He said, looking at the ground.

"You know . . . for a moment there I thought you were gonna let t get me," I said.

"For a moment, so did I," He laughed.

"Some game, huh?"

"Some game . . ." Harry nodded.

Suddenly, we heard the noise of things cracking and then a massive amount of wind hit us. We looked up to see the bushes smashing together, and we began to run for the cup.

"Go!" I yelled, trying to get to the cup.

I ran as fast as I could, not looking back, Harry by my side. As soon as we made it to clearing, we stopped for a couple of seconds before grabbing the Cup together. Suddenly, I felt like puking as everything turned light and I fell to the floor next to Harry. I quickly got to my feet and looked around at the sight that lay in front of me. I noticed that we were in a graveyard. 

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, you?" Harry asked as he stood to his feet.

"Yep." I said.

I continued to look around, a certain grave stone catching my attention. It had a massive statue that looked like Death sitting on it, while Harry was reading the name of the owner. A look of shock on his face.

"I've been here before," Harry said, although I didn't hear him properly.

I walked over to the Cup and smiled as I looked at it.

"It's a Portkey," I smiled. "Harry, its a Portkey,"

"I've been here before, in a dream!" Harry said, looking one last time at the persons name on the grave stone. "Cedric, we have to get back to the cup!"

By now I was a little worried, but I was looking at this random cauldron that was sitting in the middle of the grave yard. 

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

We heard a door creek open and looked to this man standing at the doorway, holding this creepy, ugly looking thing in his arms. He smiled wickedly as Harry fell to the floor in pain. I ran over to him as the cauldron lit on fire.

"Harry! What is it?" I asked, looking concerned.

"Get to the cup!" He yelled.

The man started to walk closer to us and I stood up straight, pointing my wand at him.

"Who are you? What do you want?" I asked.

"Kill the spare . . ." The thing t=in the mans arms yelled.

Everything just went slow as I saw he ball of light heading straight for me. I instantly thought of my sister and father before the ball of light hit me, throwing me onto the ground. Then darkness swallowed me . . .

That Weasley Twin (Fred Weasley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now