Chapter Five

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Happy New Year everybody!

***Y/N's POV***

The following day, all of Gryffindors in fourth year and above were called to meet Professor McGonagall in the Great Hall as she had a lesson for us. As I walked in with the twins she told me to sit on the right side of the hall and the twins to sit on the left. I sighed as Fred made a pouty face before waving goodbye as he walked over to a pillar with George and the two just stood up as there was no more seats. 

"The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament since its inception. On Christmas Eve night, we and our guests, gather in the Great Hall for a night of well-mannered frivolity." She paused and looked at the twins before looking away from them. "As representatives of the host school, I expect each and every one of you to put your best foot forward, and I mean this literally because the Yule Ball is first and foremost . . . A dance,"

Everyone started to whisper and chat about what would happen, when McGonagall began talking again.

"Silence!" She yelled. "The house of Godrick Gryiffindor has commanded the respect of the wizard world for nearly ten centuries. I will not have you in the course of a single evening besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling-bumbling band of baboons."

I could see Fred whisper into Georges ear and I knew it was something about McGonagall had just said as they were laughing. I didn't notice what Professor McGonagall had said because she turned to Ron and told him to come and dance with her.

"Now, place your right hand on my waist."

"Where?" Ron asked, a look of shock on his face.

"My waist," She said.

George than whistled and Fred began laughing as Mr. Filch started to play the music. Fred looked at me and smirked before he and George began to slow dance, looking hilarious. The twins stopped as Harry said something to them and I saw the twins shake their heads while laughing.

"Everybody come together," 

All the girls stood up, but the boys just stayed where they were, well apart from Neville who stood up and walked over to a random girl. The two of them began dancing which led to the rest of the boys standing up. I noticed that Fred ran straight over to me and took me by the hand before placing his hand on waist, just like all the other boys. George had gone with Angelina, which made me and Fred begin to make kissing faces while they just rolled their eyes.

Suddenly, Mr. Filch began to play the music and everyone began to dance. I laughed a little as I noticed that Ron was still dancing with Professor McGonagall. 

***Time Skip***

I sat in the middle of the twins as we had to do a test in the Great Hall. I looked up and saw that Professor Snape had smacked the back of Rons head as he and Harry were talking to much. I looked over at Fred who just winked at me before writing down something and passing it to Ron.

"Get a move on or all the good ones will be gone," Fred smiled.

"Well who are you going with, then?" Ron asked.

Fred grabbed a piece of paper from his book and threw it at Angelina. She glared at him for a second before he started to make gestures and asked her to go to the Yule Ball with him. She smiled and nodded her head before getting back to her work. I grabbed my book and walked up to Snape. He nodded his head as he said I could leave. I walked back up to where I was sitting and grabbed my stuff before walking away. 

***Fred's POV***

I watched as Y/N walked away from us. Well, it was more like she ran away. 

"What's wrong with her?" I asked, turning to George.

He shrugged before getting back to work. I gave my work to Snape before running after her, earning a small glare from Cedric as I walked past him. He stopped me in my tracks and started talking to me.

"What's wrong with my sister, Fred?" He asked, a hint of frustration in his voice. 

"I dunno. She just walked away for some reason," I sighed, trying to get past him.

"If you hurt her in a any way, Fred--" 

"I know. But I just wanna see what's wrong with her, so can I go?" 

Cedric slowly nodded his head after telling me that if anything was wrong, he'd kill me. I ran after Y/N and watched as she walked into the common room. I ran in straight after her and saw her sitting in the couch . . . crying. I walked over to her and she quickly wiped her tears away.

"Are you okay, Y/N?" I asked, taking a seat next to her. 

She just looked at me in disgust and sighed. 

"It's nothing. Just girl problems," I could tell that she was lying.

"No it isn't. What's wrong?" I asked, looking into her eyes.

She just turned her head away from me and sighed. I watched as George, Ginny, Angelina and Hermione walked through the door. Y/N instantly stood up and ran into the girls dorms, Hermione and Ginny running after her.

"What'd you do to her?" George asked, crossing his arms.

I shrugged before George walked up into iur dorm, wanting me to dollow him. I did as he said and followed to our dorms. He sat on my and crossed his arms.

"I thought you said you liked, Y/N?!" He yelled.

"I do . . . but you know what would happen if I asked her. She'dmkst likely say 'no' and then her brother would murder me!" I sighed.

"Doesn't seem like that to me . . ." George said, shaking his head. "You know she tells her brother everything, right?"

"Meaning . . .?"

"Meaning: she's most likely gonna tell him what happened today and then theres a 2% chance that Cedric won't kill you."

We fell into awkward silence before George stood up and walked out of the dorm. I flowed behind, but stopped when I noticed that he said something to Y/N, which she smiled about and hugged him. I knew he had asked her to Yule Ball, but it bothered me a lot. I sihjed before walking bacn up to the dorm, hearing George talking to Y/N and the two of them laughing.

***George's POV***

I knew that Fred had a crush on Y/N, and I knew that she most likely did as well. But when she ran out of the Great Hall, I knew why. She was upset about what happened. How Fred asked Angelina to the ball. I could see the hurt in her eyes as he said that.

So, I did the only thinv left to do. After having a chat with Fred, I asked her to go to the Yule Ball with me.  She said yes and seemed really happy about it, but I still felt like she was upset.

"Are you, okay?" I asked.

She smiled and nodded. I looked over at Fred who was glaring at me, knowing that I had probably broke our friendship.

That Weasley Twin (Fred Weasley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now