Chapter Two

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A/N: You know in the Goblet of Fire, Harry gets a massive cut on his arm, yeah? Well, that happens to you in this chapter! Hope y'all enjoy!

***Y/N's POV***

We were in the tent, celebrating the victory of the Irish. The twins were dancing like crazy and making weird noises. I laughed as I sat next to Hermione. We could hear noises coming from outside, but ignored it as Arthur went to look.

"Theres no-one like, Krum!" Ron said, standing up on coffee table.

"Krum!" The twins said in unison, trying to make their voices deeper.

"Hes like a bird the way he rides the wind!" Ron said.

The twins started dancing around him and flapping their arms like birds.

"Hes more than an athlete . . ." Ron smiled. "Hes an artist!"

"I think you're in love, Ron," Ginny laughed, patting him on the back and walking over to me and Hermione.

"Viktor, I love you!" George sang.

"Viktor, I do!" Fred sang, laughing a little.

"When we're apart my heart beats only for you!" All the boys were signing by this time. (Apart from Ron)

We heard screaming coming from outside and Fred smiled.

"Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on," He laughed, grabbing a pillow before hitting Ron with it.

"Stop! Stop it!" Arthur yelled. "It's not the Irish! We've gotta get out of here. Now!"

Everyone stood up and ran outside, only to see everything in flames and people screaming whilst running. I could see the bodies of people who had been killed, lying the floor. I looked around and felt someone grab my arm. I jumped a little, but realized it was only Fred. 

"Get back to the Portkey everybody! AND STICK TOGETHER!" Arthur yelled, before turning to me, Fred, George and Ginny.

"Fred, George! Ginny and Y/N are your responsibility!" He yelled, before we turned and ran.

Fred had grabbed my arm and started running after Ginny and George. I had also grabbed his arm just in case something happened, but that didn't really help when someone ran into us, knocking me to the ground. As I fell to the ground it caused Fred to let go of my arm before being pulled away by the crowd.

"Fred!" I screamed, as I could hear him screaming my name.

I got up from the ground and started running around, trying to find the Portkey, but I couldn't find it, nor could I find Fred. I continued to scream his name out, but when he didn't answer I burst into tears. I continued to run around the camp site, but I couldn't find anyone. Not to mention that where I was everyone was dead. I had run out of the crowd of people, only to find myself lost.

I sat down on the muddy ground and started to cry. I couldn't even find my brother or father. I heard someone laugh and quickly stood up. It wasn't a very nice kind of laugh, it was a creepy and evil kind of laugh. I looked to see a woman dressed in a black cloak. She had dark brown hair, blue eyes and a wicked smile on her face. She started towards me and pulled out a knife. 

I was a little confused as to way she would pull out a knife instead of her wand, but I was to scared to think of a reason why. I turned to run but she grabbed my arm and grinned at me.

"Uh. A little weak, teen aged girl!" She laughed that wicked laugh. "No-ones gonna miss you once I kill you!"

I tried to get out of her grip, but she just pushed to the ground before pulling my left sleeve up. She smiled wickedly before looking at me.

"You don't have the dark mark! I'll change that for you!" She smiled.

I watched her in shock as she began to cut into my skin, creating a massive cut that ended at my wrist. I screamed in pain as she continued to cut into my skin. I could the blood spilling put of my arm, but I didn't stop screaming. Suddenly, I heard someone yell at her to stop, but of course she didn't.

"Avada Kedavra!" The person yelled.

I watched as he woman's body fell to the floor. I just stayed where I was, not moving as the pain from my arm rushed through my whole body. Suddenly, everything turned black.

***Cedric's POV***

I had just gotten back to the Portkey when a boy named Fred had run up to me, telling me that he had lost Y/N in the crowd of people. I instantly ran into the crowd, screaming her name, but I couldn't find her. After everybody was either dead or had gotten away safely, I began wonder around the camp site, trying to find Y/N. 

Suddenly, I could someone screaming. It was a girl. Not just any girl, it was Y/N! I ran towards the sounds of the screams and saw that she was lying on the floor, blood running out of her arm as a psychotic woman cut her arm. 

"Oi! Get away from her!" I screamed at the woman.

She just looked at me before smiling wickedly at me. She then continued cutting my sisters arm. I grabbed my wand out and pointed it at her. She didn't seem to care, so I did the only thing I could to save my little sister. I killed that mother fucking witch! 

"Avada Kedavra!" I screamed as I watched her limp body fall to the floor.

Once I noticed that Y/N hadn't moved a muscle, I quickly ran up to her and picked her up from the ground, praying that she wasn't dead. 

"C'mon, Y/N. Don't die!" I said.

It was clear that she had blacked out, I was just worried that she might die. I didn't want to lose my little sister. I had taught her how to use her wand, how to play Quidditch, how to make potions and follow the instructions. I even taught her how to play football, she really loves that game. We were only a year apart, but I still loved being her older brother, especially because we never had fights or argued over nothing.

I had run back to the Portkey, knowing that everyone was waiting at the burrow like I told them to. As soon as I was back at the burrow, I ran inside and was instantly crowded by everyone. Molly told everyone to go away so that she could try to fix the cuts on her body.

"Lay her down on the couch and I'll be right back with some things!" Molly yelled before running up the stairs.

After what felt like years, she finally came running back down the stairs with a box of medical things. Muggle things. I didn't understand why she wouldn't just use magic to heal Y/N. I walked up the stairs as she told me to go away, before calling for my father. As I walked up the stairs, I was stopped by twins asking me many questions.

"Is she gonna live?" Fred and George asked in unison. 

"I dunno . . ." I said before walking away. 

I was just hoping that she'd live. I don't know what I'd do without my little sister. I know that mum and dad would never forget if she died, but she has to survive, she just had to . . .

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