Chapter Nine

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***Y/N's POV***

I stood up and cheered as Harry and Cedric came back. But, that soon faded when I realized something was wrong with my brother. I looked over at Fred who had a worried look on his face. I pushed past the crowd of people trying to get to my brother. I quickly ran through the crowd of people and when I saw my brother, I let out loudest scream ever, making everyone become silent and the band stop playing the music. 

"Cedric!" I screamed.

I ran over to Cedric's body as the Minister of Magic and Professor Dumbledore sat next to him. I fell onto my knees and looked at Harry, tears in my eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Y/N. Voldemort killed him and Cedric told me to bring his body back! I couldn't leave him!" Harry cried.

I burst out crying and felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. I knew that was Fred. I bent down and hugged my brother as my father started yelling.

"Let me through!" He yelled, trying to get passed the crowd.

As he ran over to me and Cedric, he burst into a fit of tears.

"That's my son! That's my boy!" He cried, leaning over Cedric's dead body. "My boy! No!"

"Y/N, we need to go," Fred whispered in my ear as I continued to hug the now dead body of my brother.

"No!" I yelled as he tried to pull me off him.

Dumbledore looked at Fred and said something to him, making Fred pick me up and carry me away from the scene. I just screamed the whole time, trying to make him put me down, but when he finally did, we were in the castle. Far away from my brothers dead body, and my fathers screams at the lose of his child.

"Take me back, Fred!" I yelled, pushing him a little.

"No, Y/N. Not now. Okay?" He said, trying to calm me down. 

I shook my head as I balled my eyes out. "No! I want to see him! We could see if we could bring him back!"

I could see the tears in Fred's eyes as he shook his head. "He's gone, Y/N. He's not coming back. I'm so sorry,"

He hugged me tightly as he gave me a peck on the lips. I just continued to cry the rest of the night. I couldn't even go to sleep because every time I shut my eyes I had a nightmare. I just couldn't believe that my brother was gone.



I hope you enjoyed. Btw, this is the first book and the next book will be called "That Weasley Twin 2".

Sorry that I had to end it and that this chapter was really short. But, it was mainly because I was crying thinking of Cedric's death, then I remembered Fred's death and I just cried even more. I mean, why'd J.K Rowling have to kill him?! He was so funny and cute. Plus, George would've been heart broken when he realized that his twin brother was dead!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this book. The next one will be much better.

That Weasley Twin (Fred Weasley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now