Chapter Six

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A/N: That's the dress you wear to the Yule Ball ^^^^

***Y/N's POV***

It was the day of Yule Ball today. We didn't have to do classes today as we had to get changed. I was getting ready, as was every other girl in my dorm. I was wearing a long pink dress, with some small pink heels. I then took my hair out and curled it, letting it fall over my shoulders. I walked out of the dorm, Hermione by my side as she was a little scared to walk down the halls. We were meeting our dates there, but Mione was panicking a lot. She was almost sweating.

"Hey. Mione, you look beautiful, okay? Viktor is a lucky guy to have you as his date," I smiled, trying to calm her down.

"Okay, okay." She took a deep breath before smiling at me. "You also look beautiful, Y/N."

"Thanks. Now, lets go to the Great Hall, find our dates and dance all night." I said. "All your fear will be gone. I promise."

Hermione suddenly hugged before smiling again. "You're a great friend, Y/N."

"You are, too. Now, breath and lets go." I said before taking her hand and making her follow me to the Great Hall.

We met Ginny outside since she was going with Neville. I smiled when I saw what she was wearing. The three of us all walked to the Great Hall, some people staring at us when we walked past. As we got the stairs, Hermione stopped walking and froze in her position. Ginny went on without us as I stayed and tried to help Hermione. She was just frozen in her position, a look of fright on her face. 

"Hermione, come on! Snap out of it!" I yelled, scaring her a little.

She just nodded before poking her head around the corner and walking down the stairs. Everyone stared at her and I smiled a little, seeing how happy she was as I walked down the stairs. She waved at me, a massive grin on her face before walking into the Great Hall. I spotted George waiting for me, and he smiled when I walked up to him.

"You look pretty," He smiled.

I noticed that Fred didn't seem that happy as we walked passed him. I smiled, but instead of smiling back he turned away to look at Angelina. 

"What's wrong with, Fred?" I asked.

"Dunno. He's been acting weird all day," George said as we walked in the Great Hall. 

We stood next to Ron and . . . which ever twin he was going to the ball with, as we watched all the champions and their dates walk out onto thee dance floor. Cedric looked at me and smiled. I smiled back at him, seeing how happy he was with Cho. I thought my brother actually had little crush on her, and it seemed that she did, too. As soon as Hermione and Viktor walked out - arms linked - Ronald got seriously jealous.

"Is that Hermione Granger . . . with Viktor Krum?" 

"Yes . . ." I could hear the frustration in Ron's voice as he said that.

After the champions had danced for about a minute, Neville and Ginny walked onto the dance floor and started to slow dance, followed by other people. George grabbed my hand and led me to the dance floor, and began to dance with me. Once or twice I may have stepped on his foot, but we just laughed it off. 

***Time Skip***

After dancing for ages, we finally went to go get drinks. I sat next to Fred as I noticed he was sitting down, bored. Angelina was dancing with one of the Durmstrang boys.

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