Chapter Seven

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A/N: You know how Cho was the one that Cedric had to save, well she isn't any more. Cedric (being your older brother) has to save you.

***Fred's POV***

I knew that when I had told Y/N to shut up I had made a mistake, but I was just jealous. I mean, she looked beautiful in that dress of hers. Well, she always looks beautiful, but I hated seeing her having all the fun with . . . George. I even wanted to talk to her the next day, so I tried to follow her to the library, but I soon lost her in the crowd. It had almost been two days and no-one had seen her. I was actually kind of worried about her. I mean, what if shes dead and the last thing we did was fight? 

I sighed at the thought, knowing that shes probably hiding from me. But,  today was the second tournament and I know she wouldn't miss it considering her brother is one of the champions. I walked to the lake with George, we hadn't talked much since he talked to me about my behavior towards Y/N on the night of the Yule Ball. 

Once we reached the dock, we had to get on a boat to go to these massive towers. We were on the row, but I still couldn't Y/N. Nor Hermione for that matter. She would usually be with Hermione whenever we had a fight . . . which was on the rare occasion. 

I just hope that Y/N is okay . . .

***Cedric's POV***

I was standing next to Harry as the canon went off, signaling that the task had begun. I dived into the water and started swimming around the lake, trying to find what had been stolen from me. For some odd reason I hadn't seen Y/N lately, so maybe she was taken. Or maybe even Cho? A watch, necklace, birthday card? I didn't know, but I wanted to find out.

***Time Skip, cos i'm lazy***

After what felt like ages, I had finally arrived to where the merpeople lived and thats where I saw Y/N. She was all pale and looked like she was asleep, while a rope was wrapped around her ankle, keeping her from floating away. I looked over my right to see Harry. I pointed at my watch and he nodded before I cut the rope on Y/N's leg off and swam to the top if the water. As soon as we got to the top, Y/N woke up and coughed out a massive amount of water. Everyone was cheering, but Y/N was coughing so much I thought she could die.

I ended up having to pull her onto the stand as I ordered people to grab a towel for her. She was freezing cold and her dripping robes didn't make her any less warmer. She was still really pale and I swear she was going to vomit. I know my sister and I had seen her puke after coughing up a load of water. Like now, she was probably gonna puke. I just hugged her, trying to warm her up, hoping that she wouldn't vomit on my shirt. To my relief, she didn't. 

She sat by my side, as she caught her breath before hugging me. I looked over to the twins and noticed that Fred was staring at her. Once he saw me, he quickly looked away, giving Y/N a small glance every now and again. I didn't what I saw when he looked at her, but it seemed like he really did care about her, and I could tell he was regretting ever having said those awful things to my sister. I have to admit, when Y/N told me what he had said, I felt running into the common room and bashing him to death.

But I knew that deep down, Y/N had a thing for Fred. I have to admit that they would make a cute couple, but I didn't bother saying anything to the two of them, other than making that joke at the end of last year. When I said that I'd gladly hook him and Y/N up. I looked back at the still slightly pale Y/N as Viktor and Hermione finally rose to the top of the water. After about five minutes, Harry, Ron and Fleur's little sister rose to the top of the water. Once everyone was finished with cheering them on, Professor Dumbledore began to announce the winner. 

"The winner of the second task is . . . Cedric Diggory!" He yelled as everyone began to applaud.

I looked over at Y/N who was cuddled up with Hermione and smiled at her. She returned the smile before I walked over to Cho and pecked her on the cheek, making her turn a bright shade of pink.

***Y/N's POV and Time Skip***

I walked back to the common room with Hermione and George, but was stopped by Fred. 

"C-could we talk?" He asked.

I looked at the others and they nodded before walking away, leaving you and Fred alone to talk in the hall.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked, looking at the ground.

"Well, I-I just wanted to say that I was sorry for what happened at the Yule Ball. I was being a total git and . . . well, the only reason I was so rude to you was because I was . . . jealous," Fred sighed.

"What?" I said looking up at him. "W-why were you jealous?"

"Well, for starters you looked beautiful in that dress  and I was jealous because you went with George . . . not me," Fred paused for a minute. "I mean, I was going to ask you, but I thought you'd say 'no'." 

"I would've said 'yes', Fred," I sighed.

He looked at me and smiled weakly before putting his arms out for a hug. I hugged him, but quickly pulled away as I remembered what he said.

"Why'd you say what you knew you shouldn't have?" I asked.

I didn't know it was that time of month, I thought as I remembered he had said that.

"I dunno. I didn't think before I said." He sighed. 

We stood there for a little while, in silence. An awkward silence . . .

"Y/N, there has been something I've been meaning to say for a while now." Fred smiled. "Um . . . well, you may not feel the same way, but I've always had crush on you. From the first day I saw you, I just never had the courage to tell you."

This took me by surprise as no-one ever liked me. They'd always call me ugly or say that I'm not worth it. I looked up at Fred and smiled before smashing my lips on his. I felt him smile and kiss me back before we parted. I smiled at him before walking back to the common room with him.

A/N: Honestly, I really do not know how to write a kiss scene . . . so, yeah. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Btw, the next chapter will be when Cedric dies. (I always cry while watching that scene)

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