Chapter Four

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***Y/N's POV***

I walked with the twins to our potions class. They kept on making funny jokes, trying to cheer me up after Cedric had been chosen. It has been at least a week since that happened, and he first tournament was tomorrow. Cedric told me that Harry had told him that the first tournament is something to do with dragons. 

"Hey, Y/N. He'll be fine, okay?" Fred smiled, putting an arm around my shoulder.

I smiled at him as we continued to walk to potions class. George smirked at Fred and them started to make kissy noises. I rolled my eyes and laughed a little before pointing the rude finger at George. He made a pouty face and Fred just laughed.

***Time Skip***

We sat at the dinner table eating our food. Fred and George were still making hilarious jokes that made me end up in a fit of laughter. Suddenly, I felt someone tap me on the back and I turned to see Cedric smiling at me.

"Y/N, I know that you're worried about tomorrow, but I just wanna tell you, that no matter what happens, you're still my favourite sister, and I'll always love you." He smiled, earning some 'aw's from the rest of the Gryffindor table.

I smiled as I hugged him and he kissed me on the forehead.

"I love you, too, big bro." I laughed.

"Awwww!" The twins laughed.

I grabbed a piece of food and threw it at them.

"Shut up," I laughed.

I spotted Cho walking towards Cedric and I snikered. Cedric just looked at me before rolling his eyes.

"I could set you two up?" Fred joked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Nice try, Weasley." Cedric smiled as I took a sip of water. "Maybe I could try and set you and, Y/N up, eh?"

I spat the water out as people around us laughed at the joke Cedric just made. He laughed as well before walking back over to his table and eating the rest of dinner. I could even see the shock on Fred's face when Cedric said that. Fred looked at me and smiled, making me blush a little. I quickly looked away before he noticed, but it seemed like Cedric noticed because he wiggled his eyebrows. I poked my tongue out at him and he just laughed.

I quickly went back to eating my dinner when Dumbledore made an announcement to remind us of the Yule Ball. The Yule Ball was in couple of days after the first tournament, so people started talking about like crazy. I just roll d my eyes as I walked back to the common room with the twins. I was really scared for tomorrow considering it was the first tournament, but I didn't let that bother me.

***Time Skip***

I woke up to my friend Angelina shaking me awake. I opened my eyes and everything was blurry for a moment before my eyes adjusted to the light coming from the Windows. I could see the other girls in my dorm getting changed into their clothes for the day. It was snowing outside which meant that it would super freezing.

"Get off your lazy ass, Y/N!" She yelled as she literally dragged me out of bed.

"Fine. But if I fall asleep in the tournament, I'll murder you . . . Literally!" I joked as I quickly got changed into a white t-shirt, a pair of black jeans and a blue jacket over the top of my shirt. 

I noticed that I was the only girl left in the dorm, so I put on my converse and walked downstairs to see a red-headed boy sitting on the couch. He had a piece of paper in his hand, and when he noticed me, he quickly put it away. The boy looked at me and smiled. I noticed that it was Fred and I smiled back at him.

"Why are you still here? And where is, George?" I asked, as he stood up, towering over me.

I have to admit, I was 5'4 and he was like 5'9, maybe even 6 foot. Okay, so maybe I was pretty short, but Ginny was my height. Or maybe I'm just trying to make myself feel better. I smiled at him and he just laughed a little. Man that laugh was cute. 

"I was waiting for you. I noticed that you weren't out yet, so George went on without me . . . After he mad a dirty joke . . ." Fred smiled.

"What was the joke?" I smiled, hoping he would tell me.

"I'd rather not say . . ." He said, looking at his feet.

We fell into an awkward silence for what felt like hours before I finally spoke up.

"Are we gonna go and support my brother and Harry, or just stay here the whole time?" I asked as he looked down at me.

"Hmmm?" He paused for a minute. "Oh. We can, uh . . . Let's just go,"

He took my hand before we walked out of the common room and to the Quidditch field. Well, it wasn't a Quidditch field anymore as it had a Dragon in it and it was all rocky. I spotted a Golden egg surrounded by multiple other eggs, that were obviously the dragons real eggs. I started cheering as I spotted my brother walk out from the cave. Everyone was cheering him on, and I noticed Fred and George betting with people that were standing next to us. 

I laughed a little, but soon turned all my attention to Cedric, who was fighting the dragon as he suddenly grabbed the Golden egg. I didn't really pay attention to Viktor and Fleur, but when Harry came out, it turned to chaos. He hid behind a rock as the dragon spit fire at him. I spotted his broom flying towards him, before he jumped onto it and flew over the teachers, as the dragon broke its chain. It flew after him and destroyed where the teachers were sitting.

"Well done dragon!" I heard the twins screamed in unison, making me laugh a little.

Soon enough, Harry came back and grabbed the egg. The whole stadium-thingy was filled with cheers and people applauding Harry.

***Time Skip***

We were in the Gryffindor common room all cheering on Harry. He was sitting on the twins shoulders as they congratulated him. 

"Yes, Harry! We knew you wouldn't die!" Fred smiled. "Loose a leg-"

"Or an arm!" George finished.

"Packing it all togther!" Fred yelled.

"Never!" The twins yelled in unison.

The egg got passed to Seamus who kissed it and told everyone to shut up. Once they did, Seamus threw the egg at Harry and he caught it.

"Go on, Harry! What's the clue?" Seamus smiled.

"Who wants me to open it?" Harry asked, holding the egg in the air.

The whole common room filled with people yelling at him to open it. Once he opened it, it let out a shrieking sound, causing everyone to block their ears, making the twins let go of Harry as he fell to the floor. Harry finally closed it and everyone went silent as they heard Ron begin to speak.

"What the bloody hell was that?" He asked as everyone stared at him.

"Alright everyone. Go back to your knitting. Uh, this is gonna be uncomfortable enough without you people listening in . . ." Fred said as everyone turned to walk away. 

The twins came over to where I was sitting and we all listened closely to what the boys were saying. As they finished I heard Hermione say 'boys' in an annoyed tone. I just laughed a little.

"Hey, Freddie. You still wanna be set up with Y/N? Cedric will gladly set it up!" George laughed, making Fred punch him in the arm.

"Okay. I'm going to bed," I smiled before getting up and walking over to the dorms. 

I walked up the stairs and into the girls dorm before quickly getting changed and doing my teeth. I got into bed and help but think about Fred. It was really annoying considering I couldn't him out of my head. I just rolled around most of the night in bed, trying to find a comfortable position.

That Weasley Twin (Fred Weasley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now