Chapter Three

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A/N: This is a time skip to when you're at Hogwarts, eating dinner!

***Y/N's POV***

I sat next to the twins as we ate our dinner. I was so hungry, but soon lost my appetite when I saw how Ron was eating his food. He was literally stuffing his mouth full of food, making it get all over his face and hands. I felt like puking. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Fred staring at me. I looked up at him and smiled. He blushed a little before eating his food again. Soon enough, we had to stop eating as Dumbledore stood up and walked in front of this weird-looking-colored-box-thingy. Well, at least thats what I called it. 

He looked at everyone, waiting for them to stop stuffing their mouths, and once that had finally happened, he began talking. 

"I welcome you all to another year at Hogwarts! This year is a very special year as Hogwarts hosts a very special tournament, that has been going on for the last 700 years, but was cancelled for a while as it was dangerous. However, this has now changed, as the Ministry is allowing three schools to try and win the tournament." Dumbledore paused for a minute before proceeding. "Eternal glory, is what awaits the student who wins this tournament. But that student must survive three tasks. Three extremely dangerous tasks!"

"Wicked," The twins said in unison. 

"For this reason, the Ministry of Magic has declared that no-one under the age of 17 can try out for the tournament." Dumbledore said. 

"That's rubbish!" The twins yelled.

"It's rubbish!" They yelled again, more to the students than the teachers.

"I assure you students, this is for your safety!" Dumbledore yelled, grabbing the attention of the students as they all shut their mouths. "The three schools that will be in this tournament, are three of the best wizarding schools. Beauxbatons, Durmstrang and Hogwarts are those three schools. You may enter your name after dinner. Thank you," 

With that, everyone began talking again and before I knew it, dinner was over. 

***Time Skip***

I was walking back to the common room with Fred and George when we were stopped by my brother, Cedric and his friends. They were walking to the Great Hall.

"Hey, little sis," Cedric smiled, giving me a hug.

"Why are you guys going back to the Great Hall?" I asked.

"Cedric's thinking of putting his name in the Goblet!" One of his friends, Jake, smiled.

"Oh." I sighed, my smiled fading.

Fred noticed and put his arm around my shoulder. Cedric said goodbye before walking into the Great Hall, I quickly followed behind him. I had heard the horrid things that happen to the people who had got into the Triwizard Tournament, I just don't want the same thing to happen to my brother. The twins said that hey would meet there and that they just had to grab something. As I walked into the Great Hall, I spotted Hermione sitting down reading a book, as well as people putting their names into the Goblet as people cheered them on.

I walked over to Hermione and sat down next to her. She didn't say anything and just continued to read her book, ignoring me. I just watched as my brother put his name into the Goblet, before smiling at a girl named Cho. Cedric looked at me and I smirked at him, wiggling my eyebrows. He just laughed before walking away and towards his friends. Suddenly, the doors swung open and Fred and George came running through the doors as people cheered them on.

"We've done it!" Fred laughed.

"We've made the potion!" George finished.

"It's not going to work," Hermione said, closing her book as the two boys walked up to her. 

Fred sat next to me and George sat next to Hermione.

"And whys that, Granger?" Fred smiled.

"Because this is an aging line!" She said, pointing at the blue line that was floating in mid-air around the Goblet.

"So?" George asked.

"So. Dumbledore wouldn't be stupid to let something as dimwitted, like an aging potion, get through it!" Hermione replied, frustration in her voice.

"Uh, but that's why it's so brilliant," Fred laughed.

"Because it's so pathetically dimwitted," George smiled before they stood up.

They shook their potions before linking arms and smiling at each other.

"Ready, Fred?" 

"Ready, George!" Fred smiled.

"Bottoms up!" They said before drinking the potions.

They jumped into the circle and everyone went silent before the twins started cheering. They ran around in a circle before stopping and putting their names into the Goblet. The whole room went silent, and I knew that something that was going to happen. Suddenly, the twins went flying and landed on the ground before growing long, grey hair and beards. I burst out laughing as the twins began to wrestle on the floor. Everyone, but Hermione was cheering them on and laughing. Soon, they both had to be taken to the hospital wing to take something to look normal again.

***Time Skip***

I sat in between Fred and George as we were about to hear who had gotten into the tournament. We were sitting on the stands, just watching as Dumbledore gave a long and boring speech. I even saw that the twins were bored with his speech. Suddenly, the Goblet made a big flash of light as a piece of paper came flying out of it. I knew it was someones name.

"From Durmstrang . . . Viktor Krum!" Dumbledore smiled.

Everyone cheered as he stood up from the stands and walked over to Dumbledore, shaking his hand before walking through a door and disappearing. Then another flash happened as another piece of paper flew into the air. Dumbledore grabbed the piece of paper and smiled.

"Form Beauxbatons . . . Fleur Delacour!" 

She then stood up and I noticed that nearly all the guys were drooling when she walked passed them. She was really pretty, but it was a little annoying to watch the boys just stare at her.

"And, from Hogwarts . . ." I held my breath as worry filled my bones. "Cedric Diggory!"

Cedric stood up from the crowd and everyone was cheering him on, apart from me. I watched as my brother shook hands with Dumbledore and walked through the door. I almost felt like crying. I didn't want anything bad to happen to him. I completely zoned out that I didn't even realize that Harry was also chosen. I guess Fred noticed because he tried to wake me from my trance.

"Y/N? Y/N!" He said.

"Hmm . . ." I trailed off, looking into the red-heads eyes. 

He smiled and I felt myself blush a little before I quickly looked away. Why'd I even blush when he smiled at me? Why'd I get this weird feeling every time he looked at me?

A/N: I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter!  

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