What Now?

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I gripped the dagger belonging to Zero tight as we ran.  Damien and I were in front of Cindy, as she insisted we were the first to get to safety.  The problem was...there were still some walkers here and there.  Cindy had to swipe some walker's heads off when they got too close, and I couldn't suppress my whimpers every time.  The cave seemed to be more of a mine, explaining the walkers down here and their uniforms.  Eventually, we had to take cover behind a few mine carts to catch our breath.  Cindy took the time to check Damien and I over.  "Are you both alright?  No scratches?  No bites?"  Damien and I shook our heads.  Suddenly, I heard a rustling behind me, and something touched my shoulder.  Quickly, I spun around, holding out Zero's dagger.  However, they jumped back before the blade made contact with their skin.  Cindy exclaimed in relief.  "Kim!  Oh thank God!  Get back here!"  Cindy pulled Kim back with us into cover.  "Are you alright?  You're not bitten, right?  What happened to Zero?  Daniel?  Gray?"  Kim looked down.

"I'm not bit or scratched.  As for the guys...I'm not sure.  Zero told me to run down here and find you guys."  Kim looked down.  "I'm sorry..."  Cindy smiled at her, however.

"It's alright, child."  Suddenly, she spun around, the tip of her blade barely poking the throat of a specific someone.  "Jesus Christ, Zero!  You scared me!"  Zero shrugged and climbed behind cover with them.

"Zero..."  I asked.  Apparently Damien almost asked why I didn't say Mister, and Kim shushed him, whispering that I was finally starting to become comfortable around them.  "What about Daniel and Gray?"  Zero rubbed his neck.

"Uh, yeah, about that..."  He kind of fidgeted.  "We need to get out of here first, and then I need to talk to Kim and Cindy."  Cindy almost protested, not wanting to leave her husband and friend, but Zero sent her a look, and she relented.  They began walking again, but with the help of Kim and Zero, moving around was a lot easier.Zero was in the back, insisting we were all safe first.  I, however, fell back so I was only slightly walking in front of him. 

"Oh, um, Zero?"  I nervously held out his dagger back up to him.  "I guess you want this back, huh?"  However, he shook his head.

"Nah, you keep it, I don't need it."  I hesitantly brought my hands back down, holding the dagger in front of me, when he took it from my hand and stuck it in my belt.  "So you don't have to carry it."  I smiled back up at him, and before we knew it we were out of the mines.  We kept walking without much incident, some walkers here and there, and stopped in a small clearing.  Zero told me and Damien to sit under a tree w bit away from them, and to keep the dagger out just in case.

"Hey, Damien?"  He didn't reply, however.  He just kept his head down, unmoving.  It took a good minute for him to talk, and he asked a question of his own.

"Do you think my dad is ok?"  His voice slightly shook.  I placed a hand on his shoulder.

"No.  I KNOW he's ok.  Because he's your dad, isn't he?"  Damien nodded.

"Yeah.  Yeah he is."

Zero POV

"Now."  Cindy said.  "What happened."  I took a deep breath.

"They took them."  Kim and Cindy tilted their heads.  "The King And Queen."  Kim's eyes widened and Cindy's face paled.

"Oh God..."  She shook.  "I think I'm gonna be sick..."  She doubled over, and kim, rubbed her back.

"What are we gonna do...?"  I looked down, thinking.

"We're gonna go get them."  I said after taking a deep breath.  Kim and Cindy looked at me, and at the same time shouted. 

"What!?"  I put a finger to my lips.

"Shh.  You'll attract walkers.  And I said, we're gonna go get them.  Meaning..."  I sighed.  "We're going to The Kingdom.

The Beginning Of The End Of The World: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now