The Path Back To The Kingdom

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Alex POV

I took a deep breath before telling them.  "I just escaped the kingdom."  Everyone's mouths dropped.

"Y-you're from the Kingdom?"  Fae was shaking, and I hated that I was scaring her.  I sighed and nodded again.

"What about your parents?"  The Zero man asked me.  I looked down.

"U-um...well, my father and mother are both very stubborn, they're where I get it from, and they refuse to listen to people they consider "bad"  and the kingdom is about as bad as it gets, and..."  I started rambling, but Cindy stopped me.

"Sweetie."  She put a hand on my shoulder and kneeled down to my level.  "They killed them, didn't they?"  My eyes started watering, and I quickly turned my head so my bangs would cover my face, keeping them from seeing the tears streaming down my cheeks.  Cindy, however, placed her hand on my chin and moved my head so I had to look her in the eyes.  She then pulled me into a hug.  I didn't pull away, but I didn't hug back.  I merely stiffened.  She finally pulled back, leaving her hands on my shoulders.  "I'm truly sorry that happened."  I shrugged her shoulders off.

"Whatever.  I really don't want to talk about it."  Cindy nodded, standing back up.  Then, Kim, who had managed to regain normal breathing, asked me another question.

"How did you escape?"  I chuckled wryly.

"You wouldn't believe me.  But since you asked, I'll tell you anyway."  I took another deep breath.  "The King, or Sam, helped me."  I saw each of their reactions.  Fae's eyes widened, Kim gasped a little, Zero raised an eyebrow in doubt, Cindy and Damien, however, nodded.

"I guess that makes sense."  Damien shrugged.  Fae looked at him wide-eyed.

"But...he's The Kingdom's second leader, right!?"  Cindy nodded, and Damien continued.

"I don't know his exact reason.  He actually didn't outright help either."  He waved his hands weirdly in the air as he struggled to explain.  "We actually got out on our own, he didn't know of our plan, but why we were sneaking around trying to get out, we were almost caught by the knights.  Those are like the guards.  The King then somehow showed up, and he looked directly at us, and then distracted the guards by telling them he saw something suspicious in the opposite direction, and he followed us the rest of the way until we were outside, distracting people when need be."  Zero raised both eyebrows.

"Well the King isn't the enemy?"  They all just shrugged, and I continued speaking.

"Well, he actually did outright help me."  I sat back down as I explained.  "It was right after my parents died, and I was all alone.  He said he knew a kid, two of them, without parents.  He said he saw with his own eyes what pain they felt, and that they didn't deserve that, and neither do I.  And he helped me get out.  He played it off as taking me to see someone, and when we got outside he handed me this bag and weapons and told me to run as far away as I could.  I didn't want to leave him, but he insisted on it.  So I did.  I ran.  I had a run in with a few monsters, but that's how I'm here now."  Kim raised her eyebrows, similar to how Zero did previously.

"So maybe he could help us out again..."  I tilted my head.

"What do you mean."  Suddenly, Zero kneeled in front of me, taking Cindy's place.

"Alex, do you remember the way back to The Kingdom?"  I nodded.  "Can you take us there?"  My eyes widened and I jumped up.

"Are you hecking crazy!?  Why would you want to go back there!?  Especially when your friend is in that state!?"  I pointed to Kim.  Zero, however, managed to keep his calm.

"As you probably guessed, some of our people are from The Kingdom.  Two of them have been recaptured, and we need to get them back.  Problem is, Cindy forgot the way there.  So, will you take us there?"  I stepped back.

"What!?  No!  I just got out of there and now you want me to go back!?  I'm sorry, I really am, but I can't go back there."  I turned on my heel and began to walk away.  "I do wish you guys luck."  I heard Zero sigh.  I was already a good 12 feet away from them.  'Don't look back, Alex.'  I thought.  'You know what'll happen if you look back!'  Yet, I did turn to look back.  Fae was looking in my direction with puppy dog eyes, looking sadder than I'd ever seen her, except for the day when Casey turned.  Cindy was trying to comfort a worrying Damien, and Zero was trying to help him to her feet.  I sighed, gripping the strap of my bag tight and turning back around, walking back to them.  "Fine."  they all looked at me with brighter eyes again.

"Huh?"  I sighed.

"I'll take you guys back to The Kingdom to help you get your friends."  They  all smiled brightly.  "But I have a few conditions."  Zero shrugged.

"Reasonable."  I took a deep breath.

"One, we don't leave today.  We need to give Kim at least a days rest.  She's probably a little traumatized right now, as are these two more than likely."  I pointed to Damien and Fae.  "Two, this doesn't mean I have to stay with you guys afterwords.  I'm sure you guys are great people, but after what I've seen and gone through, I'm sure you understand my mistrust and suspicion."  Cindy nodded.

"We all have to be careful now."  I looked at all of them before saying my last condition.

"And third, I don't have to go inside The Kingdom.  I'm sorry, I truly am, but I can't go back inside.  My heart and head won't let me.  I hope you understand."  Cindy smiled.

"It's alright, we perfectly understand.  As long as you get us there, when we go inside, you can leave without a word."  I smiled.

"Good.  I'm glad you all understand.  Now I guess you all can rest for a while now, because we're not leaving until at least tomorrow.  She should ideally rest for a few days, but I'm guessing you all aren't gonna wait that long."  I sat my bag down against a tree, Fae and Damien were sitting together on a rock beside the tree Kim was leaning on, and Cindy and Zero were standing together.  I walked up to Zero and Cindy.  "Are you two together?"  I asked them, tilting my head a little.  Zero wrinkled his nose, and Cindy started laughing.

"Please!  Me and him?  That's something.  No, I'm married to a man named Daniel."  Zero nodded.

"Besides, I'm not into older women."  Cindy glared at him.

"Older- I'm only three years older than you!"  Zero smirked.

"You're 30 years old.  That's old."  Cindy's eye twitched a little, and Zero and I laughed.  "Seriously, though, no.  She's happily married and my fiance is, um, gone.  So Daniel would kill me.  She's one of my best friends, but we aren't and never will be in a relationship."  I nodded.

"Ok, I'm sorry.  I just had to ask.  I'm gonna go over with Fae and Damien now."  I sat down, leaning against the rock.  "Hey, Kim, are you and Fae somehow related?"  Fae looked at me from on top of the rock, and Kim tilted her head.

"No, why?"  I shrugged.

"I mean, you both have light brown hair and blue eyes.  You also seem very protective of her, like and older guardian or something."  Kim shrugged.

"Might as well be at this point."  I didn't ask what she meant, just leaned back against the rock until Damien asked me a question.

"So...what now?"  I sighed.

"Now we wait and rest until it's time to march head first into danger."  I looked up at the sky, anticipating what was to come.

The Beginning Of The End Of The World: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now