The Next Plan

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Damien and I were sitting by the fire place, watching the adults talk about our next actions.  I had asked Damien why they kept moving, and all he said was within the past year they encountered some not very friendly people.  And that scares them.  They think they're coming after them, and honestly, I don't care if these people are after them, I just don't want to be on my own!  Mister Daniel,  Miss Cindy,  and Mister Gray want to go deeper into the forest, and Mister Zero, Mister Cody, and Miss Kim want to find a way out of the forest.  "If we leave we'll be easier to track!"  Mister Daniel shouted, and Zero calmly replied.  "And if we stay, we'll eventually run out of places to go and they'll force us out."  I leaned over to Damien.  "Hey, Damien, do they fight a lot?"  He nodded.  "They both just want what's best for the group.  They're both leaders, but not willing to be followers.  This might last a while."  He pulled out a bag of candy.  "I managed to get this at the last store we looted."  He smirked.  "Shouldn't we save it?"  I asked, thinking about how little food we might soon have.  He shrugged.  "Suit yourself."  I sighed, and we both munched on the candy as Mister Zero and Mister Daniel continued to fight.  Eventually, they stopped fighting, and Zero somehow managed to convince Mister Daniel and the others to leave the forest.  He said that the fastest way he knew out was a little past the cave we went to when I was knocked out.  I reached up and subconsciously felt the bandage on my head.  "Don't worry."  I heard Cindy's voice from behind me.  "From what Zero said, it wasn't too bad, so Kim will help you take it off tonight."  I nodded.  "Hey, Mister Zero?"  He slightly turned his head to look at me.  "Why did you help me if you knew I could have been a threat."  He then turned his head forward.  "Like I said, you're a kid.  Weak, vulnerable, frightened.  I had a son and daughter once, and even if they're gone now, what kind of a person would I be if I let the same thing happen to another kid."  I looked down.  "Oh, um, how did they, um, how did they die?"  He didn't look at me.  "The people we were talking about.  They started off as just a few bandits and raiders.  Small groups that would take supplies from the most vulnerable victims.  However, they started getting more and more people, getting smarter, more strategic.  In just a year, they already have a good base, strong men, stable food supply, and...."  He looked up.  "The means to kill anyone in their way."  I flinched a little, when hearing that.  He looked down at me, though, and shook his head.  "They don't hurt kids.  Not anymore.  The ass who killed my kids and fiance did it way before they became a bigger group."  Cody decided to join, probably to stop him from swearing anymore.  "It was someone named Badger who killed them.  The person who leads the group now has two rules.  Never kill a woman unless absolutely necessary, and do whatever it takes to not hurt kids, and keep them safe.  Badger was just a fluke.  However, these are bad people.  They call themselves the "Kingdom".  Each branch has it's own name having to do with a kingdom.  The ones who are after us, to bring us to them dead or alive, are some of their so called "Huntsmen"."   I looked up.  "Why are they after you?"  The reply I got was this, "We'll tell you later.  It's late."  We had just made it to the cave, and it looked like the sun was ready to set.  I sighed but nodded.  We all got settled into the cave, and me and Damien helped light up the fire.  Eventually Kim kneeled beside me.  "What do you say we get that bandage off you?"  I practically jumped up.  "Finally!"  I was then shushed by literally everybody, except Damien who was laughing as quietly as possible.  Kim and I walked over near the entrance of the cave and sat down.  As she began to unwrap the bandage from around my head, I decided to ask  what I asked Mister Zero earlier.  "Hey, Miss Kim?  Why are you being chased by the Kingdom?"  She looked down at me for a split second, hesitating.  "One, please just call me Kim.  And two, some of us were a part of their group.  Not by choice, of course!  Cindy, Daniel, Damien, and Gray have known each other for a while.  They had a good base, but eventually the Kingdom found them and overran them.  It wasn't hard for them to escape, as the Kingdom was still new, it still is.  However, they are still after them to this day, and since they found out about me, Zero, and Cody, they now want us too.  And if they find out about you, they'll try to take you too.  We're trying to keep everyone safe, no matter the cost.  That's why Daniel was so angry when Zero brought you here."  At this point, she had already gotten the bandage off, there was a pretty big scab, but it should heal soon,  However, she kept going.  "In Daniel's eyes, even though Zero's children were killed by Badger, that was before everything, and so we don't know what the Kingdom is capable of like they do, and he isn't wrong.  But whether we know or not, we will protect each other, no matter what it takes.  Now, why don't you go lay down by the fire, it's getting dark."  I got up and was about to walk to the fire, but I stopped to ask something.  "Hey, Kim?  Who is the leader, or leaders in the Kingdom."  She stood up and walked up to me.  "They call themselves the King and Queen.  However, Daniel, Cindy, Gray, and Damien said that their real names are Sam and Rachel.  Now, will you please lay down by the fire?"  I nodded and laid down, watching the flames dance until their entrancing glow finally lulled her into a deep sleep."

The Beginning Of The End Of The World: Book 1Where stories live. Discover now