A Hot Mess|4

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Fuck, it's cold as hell as I pull the covers off of me. I quickly put on some socks and slump to my kitchen to make coffee. I woke up because of that loud noise next door. Someone is probably moving in, which I'm happy about. But at 8 a clock in the morning, fuck no. I have a late night shift, till early next morning. I roll my eyes at the thought. I jump into the shower and get dressed into some fleared pants with a thick sweater. I put on some light makeup and grab my bag. I have a lunch with the staff this noon at a place nearby. It's probably only Eva, Aubree, Austin and I. I spritz on some perfume and glance into my mirror, quickly before opening my apartment door. As I close it behind me, an elder man stands behind me, coughing as I try to pass him. My eyes shoot up and meet his. As the man gives me a warm smile I freeze. Those eyes, that smile. They remind from the boy I met yesterday at work. I shake my head noticeably for the man because I hear him giggle. I laugh into myself as I  step into the elevator, only to be greeted by a young girl. She's younger than me, well she looks younger. Her smile reaches her eyes and the little wrinkles that appear next to them make my heart drop. Those wrinkles, that face. It again reminds me of that boy. I think I'm just getting nuts. I say a small "hi" when I almost run out of the elevator. I quickly make my way out of the building, grabbing my phone for Google Maps. I grin to myself. I'm being crazy, what the hell. I don't like mind fuck games, but I shrug it off. Don't be silly, these are probably withdrawal symptoms because you just broke up with the love of your life.

Lunch was nice, nothing more then Austin constantly smiling in my direction and me and Aubree pretending to gag everytime he made a nice comment about my outfit. When I came back to my apartment to get ready for work, I didn't saw anyone. The apartment next to mine was closed. Damnit, I really wanted to greet the person or persons who are going to live there.

"Can you bring this order to table 9 please" Austin commands me as sweat is literally dripping into my ass crack. It's around nine and I'm already mentally done with this. I scrape myself to one piece as I place the food in front of the people, keeping the service on a high level. Aubree glances at me from the other side of the restaurant and she nods. She knows I'm done, she knows it's because of Archie. I sleep like 4 hours a night, what is nothing compared to my 10 hours regularly. Yes, I sleep fucking long, get over yourself!
I run towards Austin and practically drag him into the kitchen. It's hot and steamy in here and it always seem to smell like onions and bread.
"Can I maybe end my shift earlier, I can't any longer Austin" I please him and I feel my vision becoming blurry. Fuck! I can't cry, not in front of my boss for god sake! But I totally break down, right in the middle of the kitchen. The Chef gives me a glass of water and Austin sits me down on an empty crate of beer. I sniff a few times, take some deep breathes and close my eyes. My surroundings almost seem to fade, but Austin kneels in front of me and starts talking. Can he for once shut his ass!
"What's the problem Rub?" He sweetly asks and as he does so it suddenly hits me for how long I haven't had sex. Archie was an animal, a wild one. Sex with him was like doing kinky stuff in a toy store with children around you. Hot and quick, but full of passion. Archie had an endurance an athlete would be jealous of. I think I started to cry harder just imagining him with that Bella chick. Austin rubs my arm to comfort me and grabs his phone. He walks away and I sip from my water. Did Archie made love to me? Was our sex as importance for him as it was for me? Or did he saw me as a quick bang?
"Reggie is coming, he'll pick you up and take you home" Austin kneels down again in front of me, rubbing my shin.
"Austin, you know I live just 5 floors above the restaurant" I let out a laugh but it's ugly because I'm crying. Now I also feel ashamed. Great Ruby, can this day be over already!
"I don't want you to be alone right now, you need company and I can't let Aubree go as well. Take the rest you need and text me when you're planning on working again. Maybe it's better if you take a small break" Austin's words are comforting and I smile. He rubs some tears away and I hear someone burst into the kitchen.

"Where's Ruby!" Reggie yells at the Chef, who quickly points to where I sit. I laugh at the way he came in and he sprints towards me.
"Let's get you showered and dressed for bed and we can watch all the girly movies you fucking want and I got you icecream" He rambles so quickly I'm ready to ask if he can repeat himself. But I don't and nod kindly at the effort he's putting into me.
"Stop being such a competitor! How do you expect me to impress her after you've done all this for her!" Austin jokes and Reggie gives him a sight eye. Reggie never cares about girls, he hates when they sleep over after a good time sex. He wants them to leave as quickly as possible, scared to catch feelings. But when it's about me or Aubree, he's a brother, dad and boyfriend in one.

"4 hours!? Rub, that's nothing! Let's skip those movies and get you to bed!" Reggie scoffs as we enter the elevator. I snort and look up to him. His eyes tell me I look like crap and I sigh.
"You're going to be fine Ruby, it's Archie's loss. Who the fuck does he think he is to dump such a sweetheart like you" Reggie says, placing an arm around my shoulder. I burry my face into his chest and the elevator opens his doors. We walk through the hallway towards my door and I open my bag to grab my keys.

"Aren't you that girl from the restaurant the other day?" I hear behind me and I regret when I turn around. My hair is shit, my face is more shit and I'm still wearing my work apron. It's the guy I couldn't stop thinking of for the past days and now he's standing right in front of me, again! I know Reggie is inspecting him but I don't give a fuck. Look Reggie! Look what kind of a hot mess is talking to me right now! He looks the same as the I first met him, he maybe became even more handsome.
"I am. I'm Ruby" It comes out of my mouth as a whisper and I mentally slap myself. STOP BEING AWKWARD RUBY JACKSON JEZUS CHRIST!
"I'm Jonah, nice to meet you" He kindly smiles and I freeze when his warm hand glides into mine and giving it a light squeeze. My mouth suddenly is running out of saliva and I feel like a fish on the land. Dry and uncomfortable. But sorry to say, I'm actually wetter than the fucking ocean right now. Gosh, the greek gods are ugly compared to the man in front of me.

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