Chapter 56: Christmas at home

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Jessica pov

It was currently six in the morning. I had no sleep thinking about what Dren had said on Christmas Eve.


I shook it off and continued staring out the window. It was cold and snowy .

Perfect for Christmas...

Just then my door swung open by a pink boot kicking it open. Luckily I was already dressed it was edgy black and red but it was a red Christmas turtle neck, black sweat pants, white socks, and pink , orange Nikes.

" Merry Christmas darling !~"

My brother just happened to scream. I already had his and Nappy's gift. I grabbed them and teleported them to the living room along with gifts for Alphys and Undyne.

My brother hugged me so tight to where I couldn't breathe.

" B-Bro..... can't.....b-br-breathe ......"

He let go and let me fall on the floor.

" Sorry....."

Then he hurried me to sit on the couch . Alphys and Undyne  we're already there .

" Open the presents I got you guys first"

" Darling you didn't have get us anything~"

" Yes I did plus there was a sale I couldn't resist !"

" That's my girl !"

He was always proud when I found a sale. Whether it was clothes, make-up, presents, food.

Mettaton opened his first it was pink box with a black ribbon. Inside was a Bluetooth speaker  pink and black the ones you put in your ear to y'know talk to someone with, a pure gold and silver microphone, and last but not least a drawing from when I was very young.

He hugged me not so tight , I could still breathe.

Napstablook opened his next it was a white box with blue ribbon. Inside was a Bluetooth speaker earpiece like Mettaton's but white and blue, a recording set , and another drawing from eight year old me.

Undyne opened hers it was a blue box with a red ribbon. Inside was anime DVD about swords ( SAO) , and a spear repair kit.

Alphys opened hers last It was a green box with a yellow ribbon. Inside was the manga volume 4 of Mew Mew Kissy Cutie , and a new science book.

Then Mettaton placed a box in front of me .

" Now it's time to open your Presents darling !~"

I did and I got a lot Alphys got me some Rose and Poeny  bath and body stuff.

Undyne got me a lot of bath stuff along with some candles, and three small bars of chocolate.

Mettaton got me a heart locket it had a horse on it and changed color, a makeup brush kit, and some stuff from Rhianna's line.

Napstablook got me a blue and white lava lamp, and the Sailor Moon S DVD .

And yesterday as a Christmas Eve present cause it's a family tradition to at least get one of your parents the night before.

My brother got me a new phone that was already set up , it had a pretty heart phone case too.

My brother then went to the kitchen to fix Christmas dinner . I thanked everyone for the presents.

Then I called Arden...

" Hello ?..."

" Hey Ardey Merry Christmas"

" Hey Jess Merry Christmas how are ya ?"

" Good you ?"

" Good me and Mom did our gift exchange early this morning I didn't get any sleep last night"

" Same here , what Dren said really got to me... Y'know ?"

" Yeah... well I gotta go bye"

" Bye"

I went back to face my brother smiling and his hands folded together .

" Did you have a nice Christmas ?"

I hugged him.

" Everything's great with you bro"

He hugged me back

" Great to hear that songbird"

" I'm not a songbird"

" Your my songbird !"

After that I sat down on the couch trying not to fall asleep. I couldn't wait for dinner I was starving.

Then I looked outside and saw a female dark brown tabby she - cat. The cat was on out front porch I put my jacket and scarf on and Walked outside to it.

." Hey there squally "

" Hey there squally "

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( Squally)

" Meow !"

" You wanna come inside ?"

" Meow ! Meow meow meow !"

" Okay then" I picked up Squally and brought her inside. Then I whispered to her .

" You know the rules right ? No getting in to anything or on the tables ?"

" Meow !" Squally started purring

She's probably glad she's not cold anymore....

I put Squally down and she ran across the living room. I sat down on the couch again Squally got on my lap as Christmas movies turned on the TV.

First one was the polar Express our favorite mostly cause it has hot chocolate in it.

Pretty soon we were all eating and watching the movie after they were done eating Alphys and Undyne went home leaving me, Mettaton, and Blooky.

We ate dinner and watched the polar Express with Squally.

" Merry Christmas"

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