6 - Spider-Man Song, But Not as you Know It (pt.2) | By me

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Peter started shaking.

Like, violent, shaking.

Shaking so bad that even Wade was too scared to help.
White: Dude, dont just stand there!
Yellow: Do something to help our baby boy, Deadfool (fool)!

"I- I- I jus- I JUST CANT DO IT. WHY?" The boxes were quiet then. Even Peter stopped shaking.

"Are you O.K. Wade?" Peter said with a hoarse voice. If there was one thing Peter cared about more than the Avengers minus Tony (Tony [and before Aunt May] are before --> in this situation,) it would be Wade. The crush that he hadn't admitted to. The big (anti) super hero crush. His lovely, sweet, perverted minded crush.

He just hoped Wade wouldn't CRUSH him. (See what I did there? Sorry, I make bad jokes in bad situations.) Little did he know, that all the readers also hoped the same thing (one, Wade go get the duct tape, ive been hanging around you too long so its your fault. two, even though I only expected like one view, [I did not get only one] there are still readers that are traumatised by the books where Wade does some BAD things to Peter and is threatened by the Avengers).

It seemed like Wade could sense his thoughts and feelings as he slowly backed away. Then Wade used his teleporter to 'TELEPORATA AWAI'.

Peter decided to do something that he never does. Something that he knows that calms him down. Something that no one has seen or heard him doing. He decided to ___.

He dragged himself (not literally) to the edge of the building and sat with his legs dangling off the edge. Then he started to sing.

"Hello, hello
Anybody out there? 'Cause I don't hear a sound," Peter had his mask back on, and Karen was helping him with his S.O.
"Alone, alone
I don't really know where the world is but I miss it now," Peter was having flashbacks to his family.
"I'm out on the edge and I'm screaming my name
Like a fool at the top of my lungs" Peter just wanted to shout. At May. At everyone. He wanted to show the world that he has feelings. But that would go against his morals.
"Sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I'm alright
But it's never enough" Peter has deppression. He hid it. From all of them.
"'Cause my echo, echo
Is the only voice coming back" Peter feels like no one wants to listen to him.
"Shadow, shadow
Is the only friend that I have" Ned and MJ have been taking breaks. From him, probably. (This is Peters thoughts, ok?)

By now, alot of new yorkers were gathered around the bottom of the building. If Peter didn't have the mask on, he would've heard alot of whispers, mainly the 'wtf? spider-man can sing?' whisper. (other than the 'spidermans identity revealed.') Unsuprisingly, it was trending on YouTube.

"Listen, listen
I would take a whisper if that's all you had to give" Peter was desperate.
"But it isn't, is it?
You could come and save me and try to chase the crazy right out of my head" Peter wanted help. He needed it. But he couldn't.
"I'm out on the edge and I'm screaming my name
Like a fool at the top of my lungs
Sometimes when I close my eyes I pretend I'm alright
But it's never enough
'Cause my echo, echo
Is the only voice coming back
Shadow, shadow
Is the only friend that I have"

Peter felt the need to continue, but he heard a loud thruster sound. (Karens S.O. [sensory overload] protocol turned off. Automatically. So he could hear sounds now.) At the same time, he noticed the crowd underneath him. He asked Karen to muffle the sound of the whole mob clapping for him. Then his brain kicked in. If there was a thruster sound, it was most likely a missile or an Iron Man suit. And since Tony stopped making missiles, the first options possibility considerably lowered. So it was most likely an Iron Man suit. Which means it can be either controlled with Wifi or with Tony Stark actually in it. Now sensing multiple different footstep patterns (I dont even know if this is a thing), Peter inferred that he brang friends. And by friends, he meant the Avengers. Or maybe just some Avengers. And Tony would definitely come if (some of) the Avengers came.

By now, it was on the news, and even May started feeling sorry for him. May told Tony and begged for forgiveness, and, for Peter, he forgived her. But not fully, as he asked if he could adopt Peter, and May, feeling sorry for Peter, said yes, because she didn't think Peter would ever want to look at her face again. She was very wrong, as Peter just wanted an apology.

As the Avengers came in, Peter tried to escape, but his plans were foiled by Scarlet Witch. Then he suddenly, faster than everyone else, got a crushing hug. Peter hugged back. Then he got lifted up in the air, then Quicksilver brought him to the other Avengers. It was a big group hug.

Hey, if you would like a continuation/different ending, just comment what you would like to happen! (879 words)

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