23 - Rogues + Peter = Oof | by me

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How long do you think I should let the vote go on for? Just asking.


Tony ruffled Peter's hair.

Peter squealed (yes he does). "Not the hair! Nooooo..." Peter shouted while trying to run away. Let me repeat, trying.

Tony was gripping Peter in a bear hug. "Mr. Stark ho- you don't even have superpowers!"


This was not what the rogue avengers expected to walk into. Tony Stark, heartless-billionaire-playboy, messing around with a kid. (NO NOT LIKE THAT U SNEK)

When Tony and Peter noticed the rogues, they stopped tickling each other and jumping around. Tony's face was suddenly filled with tension. And, oh, Peter's eyes filled with rage when he saw the rogue avengers. His (Peter) nose scrunched with disgust and he turned and walked away.

"So... Hello?" Clint more asked than said.

"oh hi, thanks for checking in, I'm still a piece of garbage"

They all turned to see the teenager. "Hi. I am Peter Parker-Stark-Strange, and no, I am NOT married to Mr. Magic Man OR Mr. Stark, I am their son. Now, don't hurt either of them or-"

"Or what, son? What are you gonna do?"

"This." Peter webbed Steve up into the vents (don't ask me how, he just did) and started to walk away.

"TONY, YOU BR-" Steve's shouting was stopped when a spider crawled onto his face. (Sorry if it sounds like steve calling tony a brat it is actually steve about to shout 'tony you brought a kid to germany')

"Jeremy, get down here." The spider slowly webbed itself down and Clint shot an arrow at it, but then the spider webbed up the arrow.

The rogues all looked up to see Steve's face covered in webs. Wanda started to take the webs off but Peter saw and webbed her hands together. Wanda and the others were surprised, as they couldn't see she was doing it.


Steve and the other rogues all went to Tony's lab. Peter noticed but decide he didn't need to scare them anymore. Peter was still annoyed but they were going to talk to Tony, and Peter wasn't going to interrupt that.

They knocked on the door to Tony's lab and Tony answered. "We need to talk about the demon."

"What demon?"

"The child demon."

"Oh, Peter? Nah, he's an angel. absolute angel."

"Have you noticed how hostile he is towards us?"

"Yeah, he's still really annoyed that you threw your shield at my arc reactor before. He should warm up to you soon."

They all silently agreed that they couldn't get anything out of Tony, so they left.

       ( -_- )  (^.^)  ( x_x ) Nameless...    -time skip

It has been 4 months since the rogues moved in. Peter has gotten nicer towards most of them, surprisingly even Bucky. He was still very toxic towards Steve though. Steve decided to test Peter. He snuck over to the room Tony was in and before he could even get into the room, Peter webbed Steve up on the ceiling.

"I said, four months ago and you didn't listen."

Peter walked into the room.

"Hey, kiddo!"

"Hey Mr. Stark!"

"I told you to call me Tony!"

"And I told you not to call me kid, kiddo, spider-kid, spider-baby, or cinnamon bun."

"... True."

"Aha! I win!"

"Oh no you didn't!"

Steve saw Peter run out of the room with Tony following.

Wanda whispered in Steve's ear with her powers. 'Only you, Steve. Only you.'



So i got a needle injection today.

Okay so i had a double session of Art first thing in the morning and we stopped halfway to wait for the nurses to come and bring us to the place that we were getting injected in. (the library) So they never came so we ended up spending the whole 50 minutes on our laptops doing nothing so I was writing this. then we had snack (we have snack and then lunch) and then we had a double writing session so i finished it off and edited it then. so i also ended up doing the immunisation in the second writing lesson. so yeah we finished our needle injections and then we had busking day! (we busk for the good Friday appeal) and then we had science and French and so yeah that's all. Bai!    [^-^] (699 words)

Another A/N
Hey, the 'oh hi thanks for checking in im still a piece of garbage' is

Ya welcome (739 words)

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