200000 reads?

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Okay I'm sorry for another a/n but 200k reads? Do I really deserve this though? This is so much and its hard to believe that this has been seen by so many people.any suggestions on what I should do? I am still uploading, and to reassure you, I will give you some content.


Peter walked through the endless plains of the soul world. He came across an archway. He could see that in every direction there was an empty plain and nothing more, so he decided to wait at the archway.

Harley ran his overexhausted limbs through the soul world in desperation to find someone. He was going insane without being able to communicate or socialise with anybody. He was starting to think about giving up, until... he saw a figure in the distance. He sprinted faster, even though his dying body was slowly starting to fail, but as he drew closer, he realised. It wasnt a human figure. It was a landmark. Something to prove that he moved. That he wasnt insane. That he was alive. But no one was there. Harley immediately thought that everyone else was being responsible and not using up all of their energy, and that they would eventually end up here as it was the only structure in the thousands of kilometres that he ran. So he stayed. But his thoughts werent exactly correct.


The soul bearer looked down on the archway. She saw nearly every soul gathered around it, yet they didn't interact. She knew that they couldnt see, feel or hear each other, but she knew she had to wait. She couldnt bear handling all of this on her shoulders, and she cursed the guy who snapped as she grunted under the weight. At least I have the other stone dieties (?) to help me. She suddenly struck like lightning and scattered everyone, and, with all of her might, gives the human souls their senses back, one by one. The humans rejoiced, and soon after, they started figuring out how to get out. It was inevitable for them to start arguing, but that would be in the future. They were all happy for now.

Yet there were two words on everyones mind, the whole time.

Thank you.

End! They forget about everything that happened in the soul world but the distant memories stay with them. Might be making an endgame fix-it, or following up with a request soon. Or maybe too late? Too late. But imma still do it anyway. Better late than never amirite?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2020 ⏰

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