15 - sorry | by me

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Some draftayyyyy I literally made this at school
its art time and im literally doing nothing hahaha
lol this is the first story im making on my laptop, so please excuse any mistakes.
gosh im gonna do so bad
lol omiguuush
"Uhm Tony?" Peter asks."Yeeesss?" Tony responds."uhm... ummm... i.... need.... requests... that i can do... yeah." Peter stutters out.Someone bursts in. "DID I HEAR SOMEONE NEEDING REQUESTS? 'CUZ I GOT LOADS!" Harley shouts. (obviously idk how to portray his personality i havent seen the movieeeee)Peter gasps. "tell me all of them" Peter whispers.Harley breaks off into a rant about all of the requests he has and that took like an hour but then Karen was like 'yuhuh im recording this' and then Peter was like "MAYS CALLING I GOT TO GO" and then he runs away at superhuman speed. Then he arrives at home and in a british voice he says "May, im hereeeee, what do you waaaant". Then all of the avengers and Harley come out and are like "HOW DO YOU HAVE A SUCH GOOD BRITISH ACCENT GDHGVOGXB"


haha im back at home naw (181 words)

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