The Pet Convention

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(The rest of CHB inhabitants are on a trip to CJ. They left me in-charge.........XD)

Me: The pet convention is now officially open!

Arion: What the effing poop is a pet convention? And I am not a pet, you little meddling twerp.

Blackjack: Hey! Language! This dude's mouth is nasty, I mean really nasty. But yeah, I'm not a pet either.

Arion: Hmp. I'm Hazel's most important friend.

Blackjack: And I'm boss' most faithful, most loyal, most handsome and most awesome companion!!!

Arion: Pshhh... Stable horse. And what the hell are you freaking wearing? Are those scales?

Blackjack: Look who is talking! I'm not a horse, you are! I'm a magnificent (unfolds wings) Pegasus. And yes, I'm so happy you noticed! Hehehe, I dressed up as Toothless the nightfury! Boss made it for me. You only wish you're as fabulous as me.

Tempest: A hippie pegasus. You are still a horse. Only with wings... Hey, blackie, do you come in sizes too? For overnight? For heavy flow? (snickers toself)

Blackjack: What in Holy Poseidon are you talking about, dude?!

Tempest: (neigh sand sparks) Nothing! (dissolves to air again)

Rainbow: (has violet seashells bra on that shoots water like a water gun) I don't mind being a pet. I love being Tyson's pet! (splashes around pool water)

Arion: (winces) Doesn't your back hurt from that shitload of weight?

Blackjack: Language!!!

Rainbow: ... No. I'm not a sissy like you.

Arion: What did you say?!

Blackjack: Ooooooh hoh hoh! That's a burnnnn mah men!!!

Tempest: (creates storm) Apply cold water to burnt area! Hue hue. (hoof bump with Blackjack)

Bessie: Moooooooooo... Lord Poseidon said don't fight.

Arion: I don't listen to caged cowserpents named Bessie. That's a girls name.

Bessie: It's ophiotaurus! Not Bessie.

Arion: Hehehehehe. Bessie... Sooo ga-

Bessie: I'll tell on you to Lord Neptune. Let's see what your dad will say.

Arion: Fat cow.

Blackjack: Hey, easy, my man. Hey Bessie-I mean ophio-whatever man, how's life in Olympus?

Bessie: It's okay. Lord Poseidon takes care of me and I often get to play beach volleyball with Lord Apollo and Lord Hermes.

Tempest: Beach volleyball? How do you play volleyball? Serve with your head?

Bessie: No. I am the ball.

Blackjack: Ohhh...

Tempest: That's nice...

Rainbow: Sounds fun!!!

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