"How would everyone describe Percy?"

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((@ Argo 2))

Percy: Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy! It's my turn for the spot light! Weeehee!

Annabeth: Percy, you are always on the spotlight... And please stop pirouetting, you are making me dizzy.

Jason: Yeah man. Everyone's always talking about you.

Percy: Ho hoh. You jealous, Jason?

Jason: Nope, not really. I prefer the quiet life.

Leo: That's boring, dude. No girls to fangirl about you. Oh the fame! The limelight! The applause! I live for the applause! (starts to dance, Gaga-style)

Frank: Leo, your auto-clapping machine doesn't count.

Leo: Nonsense! Girls love me!

Reyna: No. No, we don't.

Nico: Ugh... Not this again...!

Hazel: Uhm guys, we're really getting off the topic here.

Piper: Right, you boys are so ADHD. Anyway, how about I start? I think Percy's a really good guy and he's so adorable specially when he's with Annabeth. You two are really are good together.

Percy: (pouts) Annabeth, you are stealing my spotlight...

Annabeth: Really, Percy? Really?!

Hazel: I agree with Piper. Percy is also a very reliable friend and a really good fighter. If not for him, Frank and I wouldn't be here. I owe him a lot for always saving us. He's like a cool big brother-cousin to me. (feels an ominous presence) Er, of course Nico is the coolest brother of all. Heh heh.

Nico: I-

Leo: My turn! My turn! I think Percy is okay and all, with the water-bending thingy and talking to sea creatures and horses and stuffs but sometimes, he could be quite scary. Never, I say never, steal his blue cookies if you don't want to wake up dangled upside-down like a fish on a hook in a room full of seaweed in the morning.

Annabeth: Oh Leo... You are lucky that's the only thing he did to you.

Percy: My precious cookies...

Frank: I did warn you, Leo. Percy's got a weird obsession with-


Frank: Uhhh yes that. I think I'd describe Percy as weird, probably the greatest weirdo of us all. Sorry, Percy but it's true. Oh, Leo's not weird, he's crazy so he doesn't count. Aside from Percy's obsession with blue, he also has this obsession with Finding memo, Little Mermaid and recently Frozen, though why, I don't have any idea.

Leo: Ew... The movie about Khione. Not hot, man. (shivers)

Percy: I like Sven. Hey Frank, can you turn to a reindeer? You'd be Sven and I'm Kristoff.

Frank: Seriously, Percy?! No. Please stop making those eyes at me. Just no.

Reyna: Dang it, Zhang. You stole my line.

Leo: Hehe, Reyna said dang it- Ekk! Nuts and bolts! Not the spear!

Piper: (sighs) Okay, who's next?

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