2nd Potion Incident 2

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((Morning of April First...))

((Camp Half Blood April Fool's Rule:

1. Get your own food. No strict schedule to follow today and curfew is till midnight. Magic plates and cups are in the mess hall (please return when done). 2. NO Maiming. NO Killing. Any pranks are allowed except from summoning monsters into the camp borders. 3. NO breaking/burning of any camp's properties. Punishment will be administered by Mr. D himself.

(See Chiron for any complaints or reports for rule breaking. Happy April Fool's Day to all.)))


((Camp's awake, many are running around, pranking everyone or trying to get revenge. Meanwhile in Argo 2...))

Percy: (boys appears on the deck one after the other...) Jason!!!

Jason: Percy!!!

Leo: Frank!

Frank: Nico!

Leo: (scowls) Hey! You are supposed to call my name, Zhang. Just like Percy and Jason.

Frank: Nah uh. Not gonna happen, Valdez.

Nico: (labored breathing) G-guys... Wrong... S-something's wrong with Reyna.

Percy: And Annabeth too!!! (near panicking)

Jason: Same with Piper. (very worried)

Leo: (plays with tool belt, trying not to blush) Well, Calypso is acting weird but good weird.

Frank: (looks scared) It's like Hazel's a different person. (shivers)

Nico: Hazel too? Styx! What do we do? Why is this happening?!

Percy: I'm almost quite sure that we have been pranked or something.

Jason: But who would do this to the girls?

Leo: I must admit this is a clever trick.

Boys: VALDEZ?!!!!

Leo: What?! It's not easy to prank the girls. The fact that they actually managed it was kind of awesome.

Percy: (close to nodding in agreement) I see your point.

Frank: Jeez, it's not the time to admire the culprits, guys. We have to do something about them.

Nico: Thank you for being the voice of reason here, Frank.

Jason: if this is a prank then it should wear off after the day. It's also one of the rules right? (looks nervously around) I think I'm escaping guys. I don't want to be caught by Piper, the way she is now. I really suggest you should try to avoid her too.

Percy: Uhh... (hesitating a bit) Wait-I'm coming with you, bro! Guy's you don't want to meet Annabeth too. Just a word of advice. Laters!!! (Percy and Jason quickly skipped off the ship to hide somewhere on the camp grounds)

Nico: I-I think I'd better hide from Reyna too.....

Frank: I'm worried for Hazel, I can't just leave her... I'll try to watch over her while keeping a safe distance. She might do something... uh... just something... (blush)

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