Chapter 1

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"Are you positive sir?" MacDuff stepped forward. The others stared at him, shocked that he spoke up.

"Have you thought this through, thoroughly?" Gellert turned his head, only so he could see MacDuff from the corner of his eye.

"Need not worry," He turned slowly. One step at a time. The room was so silent, every step he took seemed rudely obnoxious.

"I know what I'm doing." He was inches from MacDuff, giving him a cold, unblinking stare. MacDuff looked down, and sighed.

"Yes sir." Stepping back, he took his seat.

Gellert looked around, making eye contact with every one of his acolytes.

"My speech is to be delivered tomorrow, as you know." He started, intertwining his fingers behind his back.

"There, I will look for recruits, with your assistance of course." He stopped and stared into Vinda's eyes.

"You'll join me down on the podium, luitenant." He gave an empty smile to Vinda. She returned it, and nodded.

The Speech

"You all believe, that I hate, the non-magic folk." Gellert stood in the center of the arena, and began to circle round. He looked into the eyes of some of his audience.

"I do not, hate them. I merely believe that we, we, are superior." He stopped when he made eye contact with a woman, sitting three rows back from where he stood.

"Because, my brothers, sisters, why else would beings like us, beings with our abilities be here, on this Earth?" He found himself lose focus as he looked deeper into this woman's eyes. They were bright green, shining in one of the few rays of sun that pushed its ways through holes in the ceiling. Gellert stopped moving, his breath coming in short gasps.

What am I doing?

He questioned himself and shook his head, finally taking his eyes from her. He thought back to his next line.

"My theory, is that we're here to rule." He continued to circle, but Vinda noticed him turn his head continuously towards a group of people. She assumed that those were his preferred recruits. She adjusted her stance and fixed her dress.

"Unless anyone here can give me another logical explanation as to why we're here?" He looked around, and his eyes landed back on her, but only for a long second. When he didn't see anyone raise themselves, or blurt out an answer, he continued.

"That proves my point, exactly." He smirked down at the floor, his face getting hotter as he spoke. He could feel the audiences' minds' being changed and manipulated, and at that, he felt accomplished.

He had finished his speech, and announced that whomever wanted to join him, step down into the fire. If not, the consequences were nothing less than death.

"Join me, or die." He said loudly once, then to himself in a mumble. He smiled wickedly, and watched as people tried to escape. He sent his icy fire after dozens of wizards and witches. He was about to welcome a new recruit, when he noticed a woman, sitting calmly in the spot she had been in before. He stared, in amazement.

Is she not scared?

He sent the newcomer to Vinda and parted the fire to go up to this brave soul.

"It takes quite a bit of courage, to sit here during a time like this." He started, putting one leg on the step above him. She looked at him.

"Not to offend you, sir, but you don't scare me." She smiled and put her hands in her lap. Gellert's eyes shrunk to slits. Why wasn't she scared? There was death all around her!

"I see," He said not moving.

"You must've seen some dark things in your time, if you're not bothered by this."

"It's not your place to assume such things." She said gravely. Gellert took down his leg and put one hand in his pocket.

"You're lucky I don't kill you now." Gellert growled, but she laughed. He didn't know how to feel. He's never been taken as a joke.

"If you wanted to you would've done it already." She smiled at him again, pushing her hair behind her ear.

"Bold soul you are." Was all he answered with. Then he moved to sit next to her, looking out at Vinda as she sent curses at the rest of the fleeing victims, Abernathy and MacDuff were there now as well.

"I try sir." He looked over at her. She was watching his acolytes as they killed off innocent people.

"You expect me to join your cause if that's what your going to have me do?" He chuckled.

"Don't take it as a big deal. This only happens when necessary." He joked, giving her a fake smile. She glared at him in return, but then smiled and shook her head.

"I can't really take you seriously, Mr. Grindelwald." She looked straight ahead. Gellert was taken aback, should he feel insulted, or was she joking?

"Why's that?" He ended up asking, turning himself a bit to look at her. She responded, but he wasn't really listening. He had seen the rest of her and was surprisingly fascinated.

Her slender body was tall and her shoulders were squared with confidence and pride. Her hair silky and tied up into a high bun, with two tendrils on either side of her face hanging down past her chin. Her eyes, again were a brilliant shade of green, and her face was dotted with occasional freckles. She sat with posture that indicated she was either raised strictly or a very important individual.

"Mr. Grindelwald?" She leaned forward and snapped in his face. He cleared his throat and tried to act as if he wasn't totally checking her out.

"Sorry I wasn't listening." He said bluntly. She rolled her eyes and looked back towards the center.

"My names ______ ______." She stuck out a hand and he quickly took it in a firm grip. She looked into his eyes, then down at their hands.

"Gellert Grindelwald." She smiled.

"But you already knew that." She nodded and stood up.

"It's about time I go, I have a meeting with my manager." Gellert stood up, and looked at Vinda, who was already looking at them. She raised her wand towards ______, but Gellert signaled for her to put it down, and she did. ______ didn't notice this gesture, she was too focused on the lipstick she was putting on.

"I'll consider your cause, Gellert." She referred to him using his first name, which not many people did.

"If I choose to join you, where should I go?" Gellert thought for a moment.

"Meet me back here. It's an abandoned building." She nodded.

"Make your decision in 3 days, preferably," He paused stepping forward.

"Or I'll have no choice but to hunt you down myself. Can't have the Ministry know that I've been here." He smirked, and she did as well.

"Though, I'm pretty good at keeping secrets." She winked at him, and walked off towards the nearest exit.

Gellert stood there, breathing steadily. He could still smell her perfume even after she'd left. He closed his eyes, and tried to push ______ to the back of his mind. Though his effort to forget about her didn't go as he'd hoped, he went on with his day, talking to his newest followers and filling them in on what was expected of them.


Hope you all enjoyed this first chapter. It's different than what I normally write but my crush on Grindelwald has been growing lately, and I know a lot of other people feel the same. So why not take on this project?

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