Chapter 6

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Gellert admired the huge, stone castle.  He stared and stared, remembering all the things he did here, all the goals he accomplished...

The heart he crushed.

He shook off that thought, and lifted his head. In an instant, he was a puff of grey smoke, flying through the air and towards the classroom he knew so well.

He landed in a window, silently. He looked around, to make sure no one would see him, and marched over to the door.

He tried the handle, quiet, so he wouldn't ruin his surprise entrance. When he found it locked he took out his wand, and twirled it around the handle. With a breeze of purple smoke, the handle turned and the door opened. He looked inside with only an eye, and saw him.

Albus was sitting facing the opposite way from Gellert. He was tapping his knee, and by the sound of it, a pen as well.

Gellert opened the door further, and stepped into the room. He closed the door, making no noise. He approached Albus, his hands behind his back. When he was in the center of the classroom, he stopped, and inhaled.

"You start tapping too much you'll be bouncing around all over the place." He felt more at ease around him, so he let down his wall a bit. Albus spun around, now standing. When he realized who it was a large smile grew onto his face.

"Can't help it." He replied walking over to him. Gellert held out a hand in greeting, but Albus ignored it and pulled him into a hug. Gellert  returned it, already feeling at ease.

"Why are you here? You know what they'll do to you if they see you." Gellert chuckled.

"They as in the Ministry? Please." He walked past Albus and sat in his chair.

"They can send their best." He smirked sarcastically. Albus rolled his eyes at his cockiness.

"You never answered my question." He approached him again, hands in his pockets. Gellert sighed, not really know how to explain his situation. As that's not really what they talked about.

"Yes, I ehm-" He cleared his throat and  turned to face away from Albus.

"I have, feelings for someone." He examined his knuckles, not turning to see Albus' reaction.

"Oh?" Was all be replied with. Gellert nodded, but to himself. He still couldn't really accept it.

"Yes, it's true, sadly." There was a pause.

"Sadly?" Albus laughed.

"What do you mean sadly that's amazing news, Gellert." Gellert turned to him, wide eyed. There was silence as he averted eye contact with Albus.

"Why do I feel like that's not all you have to say?" Albus crossed his arms, smirking. Gellert rolled his eyes. He didn't want to ask for advice, but he didn't know what else to turn to.

"How does it work?" He asked tapping his foot. Albus looked at him, raising a brow.

"You're asking me for relationship advice?" Albus asked, surprised. Gellert nodded.

Albus felt his heart beat quicken. He didn't like that Gellert had a "relationship". He didn't like it one bit.  But he had to be there for his old friend.

"It all depends on the type of person they are." He started, pacing.

"What are they like?" He didn't want to assume the gender, as he and Gellert-

"She's extraordinary," Gellert interrupted his thoughts. Albus flared his nostrils.

"She's headstrong, spirited, nubile." He paused and looked at Albus.

"Well," He started clenching his fists.

"She's stubborn you say? Well then you've got to have an attitude of your own. Like some kind of a challenging tone, perhaps." Gellert's eyes were on the floor, and he was nodding constantly, so he continued.

"Resist the urge to argue, and play word chess. Plan out what you're going to say." Albus stopped pacing and faced Gellert.

"Get her to listen to what you have to say." Gellert looked up at him.

"I'm forever grateful, Albus, thank you." He stood and drew his wand. Albus opened his mouth to stop him.

"That's it then?" Gellert let his hand fall, and looked at him as if to continue.

"Y-you just came to ask about your girl trouble?" He sounded offended at the quick visit.

"You could've just penned."

"Ah see, my friend, that would've taken to long, and I'm in need of an answer." Gellert noticed this didn't suffice, and continued. He knew exactly what time say that would lift him up.

"And, I wanted to visit you." Albus looked up at him.

"I wanted to see my best mate." He noticed Albus' cheeks tint pink, and smirked as he looked away.

"Right." Albus replied, leaving a few seconds if silence after.

"I wish I could stay my friend, but I've got work to do back in London." He raised his pitch to sound more sympathetic. Albus sighed and smiled.

"I'll write to you then." Gellert nodded, already thinking about how he wasn't going to write back, and looked up. Again, he was a puff of smoke, flying out the open window and out into the sky above the school.

Sorry this was another short and stupid one I just threw in to include Grindeldore🤷🏼‍♀🤷🏼‍♀

Hope u enjoyed nonetheless🙃

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