Chapter 2

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Gellert stood on the balcony, looking down at the first floor. He had been there for about an hour now, waiting for ______ to show.

For some reason, he had hoped that she would join him. Of course he did with any other wizard, but he felt this more so with ______. She was exactly what he was looking for as an ally.

That's all he thought of her as, of course. He had had a very stern conversation with Vinda about his liking to ______.

"You seemed to enjoy talking to her, sir." Vinda said smiling at him. Gellert felt his face get hot with embarrassment, and got defensive.

"She had some questions about what her duties would be," He glared at her.

"Along with other things." He added, mostly to himself. Vinda heard, but ignored it.

That was just part of the argument. Vinda accused him of not being able to love another, because it would get in the way of his life plans, and that hurt him. Genuinely. But of course he didn't let her see that.

As he thought about it though, it was true. Love was weakness, it weakens you, and messes with your head, gets you off track.

"How long have you been here waiting for me?" ______ yelled from down below him. He smiled to himself, but she couldn't see it.

"Who says I've been waiting for you?" Gellert noticed her turn, and took the opportunity to apparate down behind her.

"You like to come here on your own time then?" She turned, obviously she knew he was behind her, now.

"Perhaps." Gellert decided he wanted to get the point, so he wouldn't get. . . Distracted.

"You've made your decision I'm assuming?" He stepped towards her.

"Yes, I have indeed." She looked up at him, only with her eyes. He almost zoned out again while looking into those eyes.

"Would you like a picture?" He looked at her, confused.

"It'll last longer." She giggled, and his pale face tinted pink. He hated himself at the moment, he was being too relatable, too easy to read.

"I've decided that I'll join you," ______ started, leaving the blush on Gellert's face to fade.


"If," She held up a finger. He stopped and sighed.

"If you agree to let me have a say in what I do." He looked at her, and almost laughed.

"I'd be your leader, there's no point in having that title if your followers don't listen to you." She stared at him.

"Then my answer is no." She smiled mischievously at Gellert, who's fists tensed with frustration.

"My army would complain to me, about your special treatment." ______ just rolled her eyes.

"If your role as leader is so untouchable, and if they really do look at you like you're a god, then you have nothing to worry about."

"I need their loyalty, ______."

"Hardly." She laughed.

"If you're as big and bad as they say, you could have whatever you want, whenever you want it." Gellert looked at his feet.

"They say that?" He laughed to himself.

"Yes, sir. They have a reason as well. You kill anyone who disagrees with you, who tries to stop you." She started to rant, and raised her voice.

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