Chapter 5

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Gellert sat up in bed, the dull light shining in through his curtains. He moaned and felt a sharp pain in his hips as he lifted his arms. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood up, his legs shaking a bit. He stretched and remembered that he wasn't wearing a shirt, and quickly picked it up off the floor. He started towards the bedroom door, then heard a groan from behind him. He stopped dead, and looked behind him. He almost hoped that what he remembered didn't actually happen, but then again he felt lucky that it did.

"Gellert?" He thought he felt his bones go cold at her voice.

"Where are you headed, already?" He didn't turn his head, but looked over at the clock, reading 7am.

"I ehm," His heart felt like stone, like it wasn't beating. He turned to face her. She had a blanket wrapped around her, her shoulders bare.

"I'm going down to get some breakfast." He smiled half-heartedly.

"I'll join you-"

"No no." He stopped her. Her eyes looked confused as she adjusted her position.

"We can't show at the same time." He noticed her relax and exhale.

"Right." She laid back in bed and looked out the window. Gellert looked at her a second more, then left her to it.

"Good morning, sir." Vinda greeted him at the bottom of the stairs.

"Is it? I've yet to notice." He said bluntly, pushing past her and walking out the building. He needed to be alone, without anyone questioning him.

Once he had walked far enough away from his office building, he took out his wand and spun it quickly above his head. About a good five seconds later, be was standing outside his old school, Hogwarts.

He knew very well he wasn't welcome here. That he was a danger, or a threat to the student's safety. But he didn't plan on causing anyone any harm, he was here only to see his old mate, Albus Dumbledore.

_______ sat back up in her sheets. She sighed and stood up, her legs shaking like Gellert's except worse. She had to hold onto the dresser to get over to where her clothes were from the night before.

Once she had changed back, she quietly exited the room, and ran up to her own. She was greeted by her cat, but walked right past her. She was to make herself some coffee, in hopes of taking her mind off things. She downed a good three cups before she decided that she wanted to get out of the house. She left her bag and just slipped on some flats and a robe, then made her way all the way down the steps and to the door.

She walked and walked, until she reached the park. She took out a book and sat for a while, burying herself in it.

After a while she was interrupted by some noise from the garden behind her. She turned to see a ginger man carrying a case, spitting spells out left and right. She assumed he was trying to catch something, that's what it looked like anyhow. Then she saw a little, black animal running towards her. She drew her wand as it charged past her.

"Accio!" She spat, watching as the fat creature came to her through the air.

"Thank you, thank you." The man was suddenly beside her, breathing heavily.

"It's quite alright." She looked up at him after admiring the little thing, and realized,

"Nice to meet you again." She smiled at him. He looked away and back at the creature.

"You too." He dodged the topic, and sat down next to her.

"Thank you," He took the thing from her and held it upside down.

"Ever heard of a Niffler?' He started, shaking the thing. She watched as what seemed like dozens of jewels fell from its pouch.

"I'm afraid not." She chuckled.

"Well, as you can see, they're quite mischievous, and have a love for anything shiny." He smiled as he opened his case a bit at the side, and dropped him off inside.

"Did he take anything off you?" He looked over at her again, half smiling. ______ shook her head.

"No, sir." She rubbed her hands together and noticed her breath coming out in clouds.

"Do you not have a coat?" He asked looking over her. Suddenly she felt self-conscious about how careless she looked.

"I don't, I'm afraid." She shrugged, putting her hands in the pockets of her shower robe.

"Here," He began to take off his coat but she interrupted.

"Oh no, I couldn't."

"It's only right." He continued, and handed it to her. She accepted it, and laid it across her shoulders.

_______ had noticed how awkward he was. The eye contact, not wanting to be too close, speechlessness.

"Well, I'm glad I got to see you again, Mr. Scamander." ______ smiled sweetly. She noticed his cheeks flush red, but it was probably just the cold.

"I'll walk you to your building." He said casually. She raised her eyebrows in surprise, but didn't argue.

After they'd neared her building, she looked over at him.

"Thank you, you didn't have to do any of these things."

"I-it was the right thing to do, after you caught me my niffler." He smiled for a second.

They came to a stop and she removed the coat from her shoulders.

"I'm sure we'll meet again." She said.

"Of course." He nodded, then turned to walk away. She watched him a second, then turned away herself.

"Actually," She felt a hand on her shoulder.

"I never got your name." She looked up at him, and he looked only for a second before averting his eyes.

"I believe you did, yesterday." She replied.

"Oh," He said awkwardly.

"Refresh me."

"________ _______." She smiled, almost too much.

"Good day, Mr. Scamander."

Bit of a short one, yeah I'm sorry. But hey we're starting a love triangle👀😉

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