Chapter 2: Surprise

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As Kagome and I walked back into the village I noticed Kaede and Inuyasha talking pretty intently. I walked by and tried to listen in ".....Are you sure it was him..?" Inuyasha asked Kaede looking shocked and concerned. "yes, ye brother was spotted in the woods by some villagers..." As I walked by them they both stopped talking and looked at me. Kaede smiled her warm smile, and Inuyasha had the same smirk on his face as usual. Inuyasha's brother..? could that mean Sesshomaru? "I picked lots of herbs Kaede!" I said as I showed her my basket, acting like I didn't hear anything they said.

"Aye child, thank ye. You are such a help to this old woman." She exclaimed as I set the basket down. I smiled at her. "Anytime Kaede." "Rin?" Inuyasha spoke as I turned to look at him. "Have you seen or heard anything weird around here?" He asked me as smoothly as he could, I watched Kaede and Kagome's head snap to him. "I don't think so?" I responded. "Ah Rin, let us go make some dinner while they finish out here," Kagome said, angry eyes glued on her husband. "but Kagom-" "Inuyasha, SIT!" we walked away as we heard Inuyasha swear as he fell to the ground. "TRAITOR" he yelled after her.

As Kagome and I made dinner I couldn't stop thinking about who was spotted in the woods. Was it Sesshomaru? Kaede said Inuyasha's brother, so it had to be him. After dinner, I was sent to get some wood for the fire. As I picked some up I heard a rustling in the bushes, I instantly got worried. "Whos there?" I asked as I backed up a little, Ready to run if I had to. The rustling got closer and closer till whatever it was walked out into the clearing. I couldn't breathe. "Ma- Master Jaken?!"

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