Chapter 11: King Aristu

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I walked down a long corridor with my stomach in knots. How do I get out of here? Is he going to kill me? I walked to the door and a servant opened the door and I walked into this beautiful blue dining room. The walls were a beautiful shade of light blue and the trim was white. The walls towerd over me with the same tapestries on the wall as the entrance. I looked down and saw King Aristu sitting at the table smiling at me. "Good evening beautiful Rin." I blushed looking at his dazzling face. He was a character thats for sure. I sit down across from him as he looked me up and down. I rolled my eyes and knew this was going to be a long dinner.

*meanwhile with Sesshomaru*

How dare that little imp. Ill have his head if something bad happend to Rin. I walked through the trees hoping to get a little sniff of her scent, where could she be? Is she alive? Will i ever see her again? Yes, yes i will. I will destroy who ever laid their hands on her. Tenseiga will never bring them back from where im going to send them. I will not let this go unnoticed. I WILL have her back..

I keep walking the line of the trees between the river from where she was taken, staring at the waters top wondering how scared she was to be pulled into the waters depth. Look at me, The mighty Sesshomaru, caring for a human.. I nearly gag as I remember how much I hated them. They still arnt my favorite species. But she, she has changed how i look at them. They live and die, and live moves on for me. I can never loose her though. I will find a way to make her live forever with me.

I stop suddenly when i faintly catch the familiar scent. Rin. Jaken runs into the back of my leg. "Jaken," I say as i stare into the water. "Yes Mi Lord?" He replies as he joins me at the edge of the water. "Were going." I state as I start walking into the water. "Ma-Master! Wait!" I hear him waddle into the water behind me. Were coming Rin.


This dinner has been so quiet. I have hardly touched any food. I glance up at King Aristu who glances up and smiles. "what is the matter Rin darling?" I shiver at his words but answer calmly. "I just want to go home, Sir. Please." He lowers his head and speaks with an emotion i cant describe. "You know why you are here, Sesshomaru will give me what he took from me all those years ago, then you will be free to leave." A wicked smile forms across his face "And if he doesnt, you will be my bride." My stomach hit the floor. What? Bride? "A queen if you will." he ends as he sticks a bite of food into his mouth. Me? A Queen? Where is Lord Sesshomru.. I dont want to be another mans bride. I have waited for sesshomaru for years.

King Aristu watches me with cool grey eyes. "You know my Dear, you can rule all of this." He glances around with his hand. "All this land, all these people will look up to you." I think about what he is saying. My hands out of habit plays with my long hair. Im scared, and so so tired. "uhm," I start as i look up at him "Im sorry your Highness, but im exshausted." He smiles an understanding smile at me and stands up to walk over to me. "I can see," He reaches out a hand for me to grab as he helps me to my feet. "I will let you rest. Today im sure has been a eventful one." I nod as i go to step around him. "Goodnight, sweet Rin." He says into my ear as i pass him. I wander down the hall in a trance. What do it do now...


Her scent grows stronger as we continue to swim further into the portal in the lake. My Rin is somewhere in here. I see light open up as we swim further and further. Im not sure where i have seen this place before.. I remember this path.. Then it hits me, and i gasp as i stop. "Aristu..."

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