Chapter 12: So It Begins

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As we enter into this world I immediately catch Rin's scent. It is everywhere like shes walked all over this island. I looked around hoping to see someone or something and I get flash backs to when i was here before with my Father. "Jaken," I say as he looks up at me "We must find rin and leave." He nods, "Yes Mi Lord!" We walk further into town and her scent gets stronger and stronger. My dearest Rin, I swear if he has hurt you I will destroy his life all over again and I will make him regret his choice to challenge me. Just hold on my sweet Rin.. Im coming.


Something feels weird. I sit up in bed and look out the window. The sun is low in the sky and the air is thick with salt. Why do I feel strange? Sesshomaru have you come? I cant control my smile as I jump up out of bed and run to the bedroom door. I slowly open the door to see a guard standing outside the door. He glances at me "Lady Rin? Is there something that you need?" I quickly catch my breath and stand up straight and exclaim "Yes, You see the sun is starting to set, I would love to walk the gardens to clear my mind so I can sleep." He looks perplexed for a moment "Yes Lady Rin, I will escort you to the gardens." I nod and walk as calmly as i could. Is it true? Is this feeling i have telling me my love is here? My heart quickens as we walk out the door into the massive garden. My jaw drops.

The garden was this huge space with flowers of all kinds blooming and the scent was heavenly. I mindlessly reached out and touched a beautiful red rose. The breeze whistled through my hair as i walked forward taking in the view. "Beautiful arnt they?" I jumped when I heard Aristu's voice. i turned around as he was walking towards me. "I love it out here as the sun goes down, its simply amazing and calm, And not to mention the smell." He smiles as he reaches me and picks a rose to put behind my ear as I look up at him. "May I walk with you Rin?" I looked away from him and nodded as i started to walk.

It was silent for while as he looked down at me "Rin i want you to know that im not going to hurt you or leave you hanging. Im true to my word, Once sesshomaru gives me back whats mine you are free to leave." I looked down at my feet. "Please tell me, What does my Lord owe you that is so important?" He smiles a wild smile and replies "I cant tell you that right now my dear, But you will understand." Theres that weird feeling again... Oh no.


I've found her. As I stare at her from across the Gardens i look her up and down looking for any noticeable damage. None. I take a breath i didn't know i was holding and then i look over and see Aristu. With his dirty hand on her. I grit my teeth. How dare he.. I start walking forward when I notice her face. She knows im here. Good.


I see him. My Love. My heart explodes when i see him start to walk forward. His long silver hair flowing and beautiful and Master Jaken at his side. I smiled huge and started towards him. Aristu let me go as i started to run towards him. "LORD SESSHOMARU!!" I couldn't help myself as i jumped into his arms. He caught me and set me down on the ground, i stared into his golden eyes and knew i was safe. "Rin," He started "are you ok? any harm to you?" I shake my head "No my lord i am ok and im so glad to see you!" I looked down at Jaken and smile bigger "And Master Jaken too!"

Then i felt Sesshomaru twirl me around to the back of him. I peeked out around as i saw Aristu approaching. "Ah my Lord, Welcome back." Back? Has he been her before?


My grip on Rin gets tighter as he approaches closer. "Im leaving, and taking my Rin." He gave me a look of pity "im sorry Lord Sesshomaru that wont be happening, you see, you have something of mine that i need back. So before you can take my dear friend Rin you need to return what you stole." I stare him down as the memory of that night creeps back into my head:

*"Father, why are we here?" I asked as I followed my father into the fields of this weird ocean land. He just kept silent as we walked to an old shrine. Father opened the doors and took an old tarnished Seal. "My son, If this Seal falls into the wrong hands, a giant evil will spread across the lands." He exclaimed as he tucked it into his kimono. "King Alastiu has been killed and we dont want his young son Aristu growing into power. So we will take this seal so he cant." With that InuNoTaisho turned away and walked towards the setting sun.*

"The seal you are looking for is long gone. It died with my Father." The look on Aristu's face was pain. "My father was slain at the hands of your father Sesshomaru. That seal was my family's pride. Your theft has disgraced my family." Anger starting to form on his face, and the air getting heavy and thick as i heard Rin gasp. My hand went straight for my sword. "Ive told you, i do not have the seal, but if its a fight you want, I will not hesitate to end you like my father ended yours all those years ago." He smiled and clapped his hands as the hot rain fell from the sky. "So it begins."

Sesshomaru and Rin: Love Survives allWhere stories live. Discover now