11:59 pm

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xxii || twenty-two

ELLA RETURNED to seeing Dr. Le after the events following her mother's reappearance, and Rose got grounded for her poor handling of the situation. Ella's dad was paying more attention to her, no longer working late, and having breakfast and dinner with his daughters every day. Ella found it weird, since they haven't done this since Ellen first left them three years ago. But Ella must admit that it felt nice. She liked having her dad in her life.

Things started to look up for Ella. After her conversation with Noah, she showered and cleaned her room, took her medication, ate some food, and went back to school. She had a tonne of work to catch up and it took her the whole weekend to finish all the missed work. Teachers did not mess around during December. But she was able to, and she started planning her date with Noah.

To come up with the perfect date, Ella consulted the group. They have known Noah for longer, and so they knew more about him than she did. She had the basic idea, but anything they could add would be helpful to her. And they did help her. They were ecstatic, since apparently Noah had never been into a girl as much as he was into Ella. The thought made her cheeks warm.

After weeks of planning, calls, and quite a bit of stressing, the big day arrived. School let out for winter break, and they had no other obligations to detain them from having what Ella hoped to be one of the best nights of their lives. She, of course, was worrying about countless things, but reminded herself that what was important was that she was on a date with Noah. This was something she wanted. Something she dreamed about. Even if tonight was a total fail, Ella thought it had been established that their relationship wouldn't crumble because of a failed date.

Ella paced nervously in the living room, Rose rolled her eyes from her seat on the couch. "It's going to be fine. That boy is crazy for you. If you took him to McDonald's he'd think the date was a win."

"Haha, very funny," Ella said. She smoothed down her dress. She was wearing a maroon coloured dress with a black cardigan and heeled boots. She straightened her hair and applied a thin layer of makeup. She wore the necklace she always does, tucked into her dress.

As soon as the clock struck 6:00 pm, the door bell rang. Ella let out a breath and moved to open the door. Distantly she heard her father coming out of his office upstairs.

Ella and Noah both stood star-struck when the door opened. They were admiring each other, and Ella thought she might lose it as she stared at Noah in his crisp blue button down shirt, the sleeve rolled up to his elbows, and dark jeans with fancy sneakers. His hair was styled and combed, and Ella had the sudden urge to touch him. A lot.

"You're so beautiful," he said, his eyes looking down her figure. Ella smiled, her cheeks aflame.

"You don't look half bad yourself," she said.

He grinned, his eyes crinkling in that way she liked. "I'm prepared to be dazzled on this date," he said. And then he moved his hand from behind his back, flourishing a bouquet of lilies. Ella's eyes widen, her smile growing.

"Not roses?" she asked, taking them and sniffing them.

"That's a cliché," he waved his hand, "You deserve more than a cliché."

Ella smiled, and moved aside, inviting him in. "Come in and I'll find a vase for them."

As Ella rummaged in the basement storage for a vase, and filled it with water for the flowers. She started hearing voices and at first she thought Noah must be talking to Rose when she heard her father's deeper tone. Her eyes widen.

Uh-oh. She didn't tell her dad she had a date. She was still used to her dad not really being in her life.

Ella walked out of the basement with the vase, smiling nervously at Noah and her father standing in front of each other. But there was no tense words exchanged, both men were smiling and talking. Her father even laughed at something Noah said, patting him on the back. When he saw that she was there, he exclaimed, "Ella! You forgot to mention you had a date. And with this charming young man, too."

Ella chuckled nervously. "Yeah, I did. I'm not used to . . . you know, you being home," she mumbled her last words but Yusuf nodded.

"It's on me, of course. But now you can tell me things," he said. "Well, enjoy your date. Be back by midnight," he smiled at the two and walked back to his office.

Ella placed the vase on the coffee table and smiled at Noah. "You ready?" she asked.

"Let's get this show started," he said and Ella laughed with a roll of her eyes.

"You're so cheesy." He grinned, extending his arm to her.

"I'm cheesy for you." Ella's answering laugh was loud.

"Bye, Rose," she said. Her sister mumbled "bye" and waved, focusing on her phone's screen.

Ella and Noah walked out of the door, Ella closing the it behind them. She smiled as Noah opened the car door for her with a bow and a "m'lady."

Ella was going on a date with Noah, and all her worries and nervousness vanished when she was with him. It didn't matter if the date wasn't  perfect, because they were on it together, and that was perfect enough.

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