12:01 am

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ELLA WAS officially on summer vacation as she walked out of the school for the last time for another two months, a bright smile on her face. Her backpack was light, her mind empty from having to memorize another fact, and her heart happy.

Noah, her boyfriend—God, she still couldn't think of him like that without getting giddy—was waiting for her near the front doors, grinning when he saw her. He didn't have an exam, having a teacher who decided to administer it in-class. He kissed her when they were close enough, his arm automatically going around her shoulders. "How was it?" he asked.

She nodded. "Great. You know I like chemistry, so it isn't that bad. But I'm glad it's over," she said. She pocked his stomach. "Now I can focus on our chemistry."

Noah burst out laughing, "How long have you held onto that?" he asked.

"Two weeks," she said, joining his infectious laughter.

They walked towards the parking lot, climbing into his car. Their conversation flowed naturally, coming from months of dating and a deep love and trust. They chatted about the end of the year, about summer and their plans, and a little bit about what was waiting for them for their last year of high. Ella made it clear that she wished to attend a university that would require her to move, and continued to make it very clear that she wouldn't give that up. Noah had understood her, and said that they don't really have to worry about that now, and anyways, he was planning on attending the same university long before he ever knew her.

They were driving to Ophelia and Feather's house, since it was the largest and had a pool in the backyard. The group had already agreed that much of the summer will be spent at that house. Ella was excited. She had never before looked forward to socializing in summer, to going out with people. She had never before had a group of friends that hung out this regularly in a scene that didn't include alcohol. A scene that she enjoyed. She loved her new friends, enjoyed their company and conversation. She was forever grateful that life lead her to them.

As Noah parked in the twins' large driveway, Ella gathered her backpack and Noah's, making her way to the front door and letting herself in. The door was never locked. "We're here!" she called. She heard a squeal and Ophelia came to crush Ella in a hug.

"Ah, we missed you!" she cried.

Ella laughed, hugging her friend back. "I saw you guys last week."

"That's too long!" Ophelia said. "I missed your pretty face."

"Back off, Ophelia," Noah joked. "She's my girlfriend."

Ophelia rolled her eyes and pulled Ella with her upstairs. "Let's get you changed into a swimsuit and into the pool already."

Ella tossed Noah his bag, and followed the other girl upstairs, quickly changing into a red one-piece, white cover-up, and black flip flops.

Ophelia was talking about potential places to go for Canada Day when the girls went out to the backyard. Everyone was already there and after greetings, they settled in various positions. Ella was sitting on an outdoor couch beside Noah, comfortably leaning against him. Feather and Hannah were in the pool, splashing each other. Gaven was on his phone, talking to his boyfriend who was on vacation in France. Ross and Kelsi were chatting, the girl's legs in the pool. Ophelia was on her back, staring at the sky, and chatting with Zack, who was hovering nearby. There was soft music playing from the speakers, and the sun shone brightly in the sky.

Ella felt at peace, comfortable and happy. When the school year started, she had never imagined that she would end it in love with an amazing boy, part of a group of friends who liked her and treated her as a real friend, and more in charge of her life. She was living in the shadow of all her secrets and agonies, but now she was more free. Liberated from their hold by letting people in, but talking about it.

"What are you thinking of?" Noah whispered, kissing her jaw, moving slowly to her lips. She smiled against his.

"March break," she said. He raised his eyebrows, grinning.

Yeah, that happened.

"Oh, yeah?" he continued to kiss down her neck, along the collar of her cover-up.


"My parents aren't home tonight. Couples therapy," he said. "Netflix and chill?" He looked up at her, and she grinned, covering his lips with hers.

"I get to choose the movie," she said.

Noah's grin turned mischievous, "We won't be doing much watching, anyways."

Ella laughed, kissing him again, longer this time until Ophelia's shout pulled them apart. "Stop making out and hope into the pool!" Ella moves away with a laugh at Noah's groan of protest. But she took off her cover-up, pulling him up and jumping into the pool. The rest joined in, and they proceed to splash each other like little kids, laughing and enjoying their time.

Ella met Noah just before midnight—he got her home before her curfew. From then, she had this amazing boy in her life. With him came some pain, some weirdness, and their journey was not perfect. But knowing him opened doors for her. She explored herself. He didn't save her, but he was there supporting her as she saved herself. As she fought for herself. He reminded her of who she was, showed her the promise, the potential life she could live. He was there to show her she deserved better, and she went out and got that for herself. And along the way, she fell in love at midnight.

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