11:50 pm

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xiii || thirteen

NO ONE EVER talked about how much it hurt when you lose a friend. In all the literature, songs, and movies, romantic heartbreak was always the saddest tragedy. But Ella felt like her heart was ripped out of her chest and stomped on. Shredded into a million pieces.

Ella now understood how toxic her friendship with Jessica was, and in theory, this breakup was good for her. But why did it feel like the opposite? Why did it feel like Ella had just lost something really big of herself? She wanted to run back and apologize to Jessica countless times since that conversation.

What hurt Ella the most was that Jessica didn't seem to be affected at all. She completely ignored Ella and moved on as if all these years of friendship meant nothing to her. Which, Ella guessed, it probably didn't.

Noah: I'm sorry about what happened with Jessica

Ella: You apologize too much

Ella: Stop being sorry, it's not your fault

Noah: I know, it's just hard not to sometimes

Ella: We'll work on it :)

Noah: Hey, some of my friends from my old school are getting together for Halloween and I was wondering if you'd want to come?

Noah: It'll be super chill, nothing like the last party we went to. We'll be making cookies and decorating them, handing out candy, stuff like that

Noah: It might sound lame but we do it every year and it can be pretty fun

Noah: But it's okay if you don't want to

Ella: Are you sure? I don't want to intrude

Noah: You wouldn't! I already asked everyone and they're pretty excited to meet you :)

Ella: Okay.

Noah: I'm so glad you agreed, I was nervous you wouldn't

Ella: Sorry :(

Noah: Don't apologize, I get it

Noah: I'll pick you up at six Wednesday?

Ella: Perfect


Ella spent fifty minutes trying to decide what to wear, and after long conversations that ended with some shouting with Rose, three outfit changes, and much cursing, Ella was ready for her night out with Noah and his friends.

Ella finally settled on tight jeans, a new sweater she bought from her shopping trip with Rose, a necklace that she tucked into her sweater, and ankle boots. She also straightened her hair, and clipped the front pieces back. Then she sat on the couch, but was too nervous and started pacing the floor. Rose laughed at her nerves, and told her that everything was going to be fine.

When the bell finally rang, a few minutes before six, Ella's heart beat even faster. "Okay, get it together," she whispered to herself as she went to open the door.

Noah was grinning when she opened the door. "Hey," he said.

"Hi," she said. And then laughed breathlessly. She wrung her hands, unable to stand still. "I'm really nervous. I really hope your friends like me."

"They'll love you," he promised. "They're already so excited to meet you. It's going to be fun," he hesitated a bit. "I know it's been a little tough what with Jessica and everything, so I hope this cheers you up."

Ella felt unexpected tears rushing to her eyes. She'd cried several times since losing Jessica, and was more than ready to stop. "Thank you," she whispered. Then, "I'll go get my jacket and we can go."

Noah nodded and Ella went inside to grab her jacket off the couch. She shouted goodbye to Rose—her dad was still at work—and slipped on her shoes. She smiled at Noah as she closed the door behind her. "Ready."

It didn't take long for them to reach their destination, and the house that greeted Ella looked very ordinary and similar to her own. The dark bricks and light beige paint made the house look cozy, and the WELCOME mat and pots of flowers made it look like a well-loved home.

Even with Noah's assurances, Ella still felt nervous. She had never had to meet new people like this in a long while. Everyone she talked to, she knew from school or was pushed towards in a group project or something. But to go out to meet new people? That was not something Ella usually did.

Ella almost considered bolting, but before anything can be done, Noah had already rang the bell.

Here it goes.

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