
143 1 0

Lots of these story are unfinished please excuse that

The way I'm going to do this is I have a big list of prompts from google and I randomly generate a number the find that number of the list and write a short story from that prompt.
I also will write short story's to flush out other ideas but don't have the energy to start a full story.
(The first few are Connor x readers don't ask why I found them awhile ago on my old account but I rewrote most of them)
Also keys you need to know (y'all probably know this by now but just in case)

(Y/n) your name
(Y/h/l) your hair length
(Y/h/c) your hair colour
(Y/e/c) your eye colour
Writing like this is what he character is thinking (also thoughts will be in first person the actual story for the most part is 2nd)
Y: means what you're texting

Also sometimes I might write "they look down at you" or something like that cuz I highly doubt your over at least 6ft (you could prove me wrong tho)

I'm using this as an exercise to get better at things like punctuation, paragraphing and overall grammar. I get stuck sometimes and he words don't flow well when I'm writing

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