Left behind || sincerely three

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A/n so this was a short story for homework that we had to write, obviously I've changed the names but Connor was in the original. I was tempted to put Jared an Evan in as well but we had to read them out and my classes are online so I don't want to chance some knowing that I ship treebros so for my pride the names where changed.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Evan stands at the bottom of the fence, he picks at the paint as he speaks. "I mean what's your definition of safe?" Connor is quick to reply. "we could die, or get hurt also isn't this trespassing? I'm pretty sure this is trespassing, we shouldn't be here" Evan's uneasiness is infectious as he's stood there looking up at the two sat on the fence. "you need to chill out, just climb the damn fence" Jared calls out as he jumps down to the other side. "it's easy, see I'm not dead" there's a brief pause before he can be heard screaming. Connor jumps down to the other side seemingly panicked, Evan swiftly follows only to find Jared bent over laughing. "oh my god you should have seen your face coming over the fence" he wheezes between laughs. "that wasn't funny I thought you had hurt yourself or something" His neck flushes red as he scuffs the dirt.

"come look at this" Connor calls from one of the buildings. "what are you doing don't go in there alone" Evan looks like he's about to have an anxiety attack as he rushes to follow. "dude chill, Connor can look after himself" Jared calls after him, he straightens and slowly trudges after the two boys.

He finds them stood in an old milking shed staring up at the rafters. "don't move, just stay there" Evan says quietly "what are you on about?" Jared laughs stepping down onto the dirt floor "what are you doing, listen to me hold the door open on the count of three me and Connor are going to run at you and I want you to slam the door shut after us" his voice quiet. "this isn't funny, I'm sorry about earlier" his voice growing nervous watching his friends. "one... two... three" before he can finish, they both take off running towards the boy, whose stood in shock. They fall through the door as Evan slams into Jared, knocking him over. He scrabbles up to close the door. It swings shut, a dull thud rings out as it closes. "what was that" he asks looking at Connor whose dusting himself off. "what was what?" confusion laced his voice. He doesn't reply, he tries to go over the events that just happened, Evan telling him to move and being pushed through the door. Did that actually just happen? He shakes his head a sense of Déjà vu floods him.

They slowly make their way through the farm, never stopping. The silence is bearing down on them, no one wishing to break it.

"what the hell was that?" Jared jumps back peering into a stack of broken plant pots. "A stray cat probably" Connor replies he doesn't stop walking as they pass him. "No its not a cat look" he stops walking peering closer, a chill runs down his spine, ignoring it he steps closer. "don't look at it what are you doing? Don't you remember the milk shed?" Evan tracks back pulling him along. "no what happened in the milk shed?" He stares at him blinking, confused. "it doesn't matter, come on" he yanks him along to catch up with Connor. "we should go and try to find treasure in the fields" he stomps along like a child. "you're not serious, are you?" Connor grins bumping him with his shoulder. "maybe, we could find some really cool things" he muses scrunching his face. "we can't take anything it's disrespectful" Evan interrupts them, nonetheless they make their way over to the fields. Closing every gate they come across.

Connor starts talking as Evan pokes around in the dirt with a stick "so I was thinking" he interrupts him laughing "uh oh that's not good" that earns him a soft shove from the taller boy. "shut up. So, what if we all die out here did anyone think to tell someone where we're going or the general area at least?" Connor turns to Jared whose stood away from them watching the birds in a near by tree. "I told my mum that we were going out and would probably be late so no, I thought we'd have signal" Evan says pulling out his phone to check. "Jared, What about you?" Connor calls catching the other boys' attention. "what about me" he calls back, he slowly makes his way towards his friends scowling. "did you tell someone where we were going?" Connor repeats himself with a sigh. "why do you look so sour?" Evan prods, pulling a face similar to him. His scowl deepens as he shoves Evans forehead. "oi don't be rude" he pouts sitting down to the ground. "oh, grow up, your seventeen not five, act like it" Jared growls shoving his hands in his hoodie pockets. "you haven't answered my question; did you tell someone we'd be here" Connor interrupts Evan. "no, I didn't" he snaps before turning around and stomping off. "why's he in such a mood?" Connor asks staring at his friend.

The pair stay there for some time waiting for their friend to return, he never does. As the light begins to fade, they make their way up onto a hill that has a view of the whole farm. "shouldn't we go find Jared?" Evan asks as they walk. "this place is huge he could be anywhere, we sat for hours waiting for him so if he doesn't want to be found I'm not going to chase him. He wouldn't do it for us" as he speaks the wind picks up blowing the hair from his face. "that's not true he'd come looking for us" his voice fades as he looks out over the farm. "Connor, do you think he did that?" he stops, motioning to the fire that was quickly spreading throughout the farm buildings. "Fucking hell, I think we can get out up here" Connor turns around walking backwards to watch the fire. They get to the gate, barbwire lines the top of the fence and gate, a padlock sits in the middle taunting them. "now what" Evan's voice breaks. He clenches his jaw staring at the sky. "I swear if I cry" he mumbles to himself.


The two stood there watching the sunset, the gate is locked and without the car keys they're stuck. "this is how we die, I'm blaming you" Connor sighs in defeat sitting on the ground Evan joins him shoving his head into his hands. "we could just walk?" Connor mumbles trying to sound hopeful. "what you want to walk back through That? Well be my guest" Evan mumbles,  motion to the farm that burns below them. "I mean, it beats staying here for the night, we nearly just died whatever is here doesn't want us here and you're genuinely against walking a few miles?" his chest heaves. They both feel it, the panic setting in. once the light is gone so are the two trespasser and there's nothing they can do except walk, so they do, back through the fire trying to find the best way through. Smoke burns their eyes and lungs, the occasional shape dancing through the fire beckoning them. They make it to the car, the sun long gone and so is their friend. In the car door is the keys, there are no tracks aside from theirs from earlier that day.

pulling onto the main road the pair sigh with relief, seemingly forgetting that originally there were three.

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