Banks|| treebros (not really tho)

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Inspired by banks by Lincoln (the ep is a constant state of Ohio)
disclaimer: this was originally written for homework but I'm just gonna change the names of my oc's so the personalities might not match up
Also Evan still has a dad because I can't be bothered to rewrite a whole paragraph

"go, get in the car," Connor's voice echoed through the house as Evan stood at the bottom of the stairs watching the scene before him unfolding, he watched his friend run around pulling the couch cushions off, digging through bags and taking the jar of change that sat on the mantle. "what're you doing we've got everything," Evan called out nervously watching the door that stood open. "we need it trust me." Connor grins jogging past Evan to the car, reluctantly he followed his friend out of the house closing the door behind him.

They sat in silence as Connor drove out of town heading up towards Chicago, the December air blowing in through the back window that had been jammed months prior. Evans mind racing with all the possible fights between Connor and his dad that might've caused this again. Connor's good mood didn't go unnoticed however it unnerved Evan more so than if he'd been angry. Tentatively he tried asking Connor what had happened before he arrived only getting a short response about his dad being out of town all week for work. "that sucks, so you just took his car? Doesn't he need it if he's going away?" Evan asked "probably, don't really care he'd do this to me," Connor continued complaining about his father while Evan only half listened.

Hours passed as they cruised along the highway the sun quickly falling in the sky as snow began to fall. Connor ignores his friends warning about driving in the dark with the snow. They continued passing truck stop after truck stop until eventually Evan had had enough and told Connor to pull over at the next one.

The only people there where a few truck drivers and the shop clerk to sell them gas and some snacks that'd probably put you in an early grave. Opting to skip whatever Connor had brought back to the car Evan crawled into the back seat to try and sleep. The car was cramped, and growing increasingly more humid as the boys tried to sleep, neither one finding much relief but not wanting to make the other aware quietly suffered till sleep took over in the early hours of the morning.

The sun awoke the pair as it burned off the snow that had fallen the previous night. Stiff necks and cold bones were definitely an unpleasant experience to wake up to, Evan choosing to drive for the first few hours so Connor could sleep. The road was quiet in the early morning but steadily becoming more congested, by midday the car was at a crawl. Frustration slowly creeping throughout the car at the constant stopping and starting, the conversation became tense when college was brought up, "I think if you stopped being a child and pulling stunts like this you'd be able to do something" Evan said quickly becoming the voice of reason again. "you don't get it, no matter how many times we have this conversation you always end up sounding like my dad like shut up, blah blah blah don't do this, god Connor why can't you just go to college like a normal kid. I hate it and you aren't any different anytime I do this you're here next to me." Connor's frustration quickly taking over as he turns the radio up ignoring any attempts Evan makes to apologize.

They slowly pass Chicago, the sun once again dips below the horizon and soon they are the only ones on the road again.

The boys had been driving for a few hours in the dark before they saw another car parked in a layby the headlights quickly revealing a cop car, Connor easing on the brake as they passed, it didn't take long for the car to start trailing them "what the hell does he want? It's not like we're breaking the law," Connor mumbled as he looked into the wing mirror. "this is your dad's car I expect it's been noted or something like that. We have been gone for two day" Evans calm demeanour about the situation went unnoticed by Connor as he started rubbing the steering wheel again.

The car trailed them as they passed by exit after exit, as they passed a sign signalling another truck stop up ahead the cop seemed to have had enough and put the lights on asking them to pull over "put your hazards on" Evans voice cuts through the silence as the car glowed red and blue, Connor barely nods his eyes glued to the road ahead of him as the reality of the situation slowly sunk in. "how are you so calm?" his hands flexed on the steering wheel briefly before gripping it again. How am I so calm? An image of his mom crosses his mind, her frown when he was marched up the drive by the officer, the sense of dread when his father stepped out shooing his mother away leaving him, his dad and the officer. He imagined it was worse for Connor his dad had a roaring temper when it came to His own son. Evans thoughts were disrupted by the car scrapping over a speed bump indicating them pulling off the highway towards the layover.

The car slowly came to a halt in the parking lot, the sound of another car pulling up beside them echoed around their heads. Connor jumped at the sound of the door slamming next to them, the officer tapped on Evans window, he opened the door and stepped out greeting the officer politely Connor quickly following suit.

Parents where called, Evans mom answered the phone she sounded tired and upset.

The drive back to Cincinnati was a long one, both boys where tired from lack of sleep and the growing stress of facing their parents again. "she's not happy, she wasn't the first time but at least we had a real reason this time was because you where being a spoilt brat because your dad was going away." Evan said clearly bitter, throughout the drive home the pair had slowly drifted away from each other neither one finding much to agree on after what had happened.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2019 ⏰

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