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Headlights shine directly where I am hiding causing everything inside of me to freeze. I can't be caught now, after all I'm so close. Holding my breath I attempt to relax my muscles as the blinding lights move off of me. Ever so slowly I crawl on the grass away from the statue I was hiding behind. Nervously I lick my chapped lips as the house beside my form looms over me, like a jail guard watching an inmates every move. Waiting for disaster to strike.

Shaking away the thoughts I glance up at the miniscule window above me. It looked to be a bathroom window and I know that I'll have to find a different way in. Possibly the backdoor. I should've thoroughly planned this out beforehand. I think glancing around at the darkness that surrounds me. Slowly standing up I quickly jog to the back of the house. Passing windows brings artificial light to the night that has fallen outside of the event ongoing inside the large house.

Quickly rounding the corner of the house I see a large oak door. Upon closer inspection it is covered in bits of dirt and dents near the bottom of the door. It must be the servant's entry. Grasping the cold worn handle causes my body to shiver. Pulling it towards me it groans protesting of its use.

Sliding my slim form through the small space in the doorway I can hear the cheers and laughter of the party guests as music floats throughout the house like champagne. Quickly walking through the hallways I find that glitter is showered on me by a giggling women who is clearly drunk. Brushing the colorful glitter off of my suit I follow the beat of the music. It's then I find myself in the midst of it all.

Common among the parties thrown in the past few months, the music is upbeat as are the hearts of the careless partiers. Yet this one I wasn't invited to, and like all the other parties being thrown most of those who attend aren't invited at all. They often hear of the event from a friend of a friend. Shaking away the technicalities of those invited I search the crowd for the person I came here for. Where is she?

An iron tight grip is secured around my shoulder as I'm spun around. A well built young man who looks to be in his early twenties lets out a cheer in my face. With his eyes glassy as he exclaims, "This is the best party of party of the 1920's so far!" Before running off with a band of equally drunk followers.

Eyes skim over the Flappers and men who consider themselves Gentlemen yet stare after them with unreadable emotions hidden in their eyes. Everything seems to come to life around me once I spot her with a few friends she's known to associate herself with. Her curled brown hair falls down her back while a infectious smile plays at her thin lips. I can't help but grin while walking towards her. My stride is long as I walk around and through people. Forever my life and my love.

Right as she's within reach I'm stopped by a painfully familiar figure, the man who destroyed all I was. With her gone from my sight I feel the untamed anger begin to surface again. Muscles tense as I notice his easy going smile that, from my knowledge, is a smirk. He hides his emotions well. Probably one of the many skills he picked up from years of grooming and preparation that a wealthy upbringing provides.

His eyes study my attire while his deep voice comments, "I see you snuck into Marcus's party again. I hope not with the intentions of luring Ms. Katherine in with your boyish charms. After all it would be a pity for her to court a man with a status such as yours."

"If I'm not mistaken it's your fault that my status is so low. After all you are the one who stole-" His laugh cuts though my next words as a freight train would a shout goodbye. My jaw clenches while I stand upright. This man cannot brush off my protest like faded words from unspoken poets. I won't let him.

"You, Mr. Jackson, stole everything from me when you sold the invention without me! If I-"

"Your lack of knowledge astounds me." With a shake of his head he saunters off as if I hadn't spoken any words of the past. Watching as he disappears for a moment I turn away from him and push aside emotions. Looking through the crowd I notice that Ms. Katherine is right where I last saw her. Which is nowhere near that evil man. Good. He shouldn't be allowed anywhere near her. He will most indefinitely corrupt her with is twisted intentions.

Anthology: Into The DarkWhere stories live. Discover now