The Gas Station

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The small bells chimed as the convenience store doors were opened. This time a young women stepped in. Her face hidden by long wavy brown hair and her faded pink hood. Walking in with light footsteps she held herself close as if someone would jump out to snatch a unseen part of her. Walking to the back she found herself staring at the rows of snacks and couldn't help but wonder how much longer this would last for.

Quickly grabbing a bag of chips and a water bottle she walks towards the register. Seeing as no one was paying she stepped up. The tired teenager in front of her barely glanced her way as he scand her items from his slouched position against the counter.

"It'll be $3.60."

Reaching deep into her pocket she found the last bit of her money. Slowly pulling it out she glances to the door. I could take it and run. Her fingers traced the money still hidden by her pocket. The teen looked at her, "Are ya gonna pay or not? Cuz if not I'm gonna hafta ask ya to leave."

Taking one last look at him she fishes her money out. Throwing it to the countertop she watches as he takes the last bit of money she had. The last bit she'd stolen from him. She knew if she had stolen the supplies she'd be just like him and she was determined for that to never happen.

He mutters something along the lines of, 'come again', yet she's already grabbed her things as heads for the door. Pushing it open she's greeted with the cool night air flaunting about around her. Ignoring it she walks towards the car waiting for her. He leans against the car watching her every move his jacket collar flipped up to block out a bit of the wind. Upon seeing what's in her hands he raises an eyebrow, "Didn't think to get me anything?"

She'd only throw him a glare before getting inside the car. He quickly followed in after her. His muddy boots no doubt ruining the floor further. The car had only been bought three weeks ago and it had already been through so much. She gently patted the pleather seat in a form of sorrow. The man beside her shifts in his seat, yet she pays him no mind.

His rough voice breaks the silence around them, "When you steal from someone make sure they're not nearby or else you've been caught." Her back goes rigid at his words. He knew! Of course he knew, after all nothing could get past him. It was stupid of her to even think for a mere second that she'd gotten away with it. He even let her think that she'd won. That sick ba**ard!

"You still need practice." Was all that was stated as he started the car which sputtered to life. His knuckles gripped the steering wheel tightly as he drove.

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