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Body shaking she takes another step forward causing his eyes to widen. Lifting the weapon above her she swings making contact with the side of his head. The body follows the movement further than she ever did. Tightening her fingers around the bat she smashing it down once again on him. The body withering in pain as he cries out in what chalks up to be yet another pathetic attempt to save his life. One of which will fail just like all the ones before him.
More blood stains the once pristine wood. Each time the bat connects with his dying body she only laughs. Manic and inhuman is causes his skin to attach itself further into the muscle and tissue underneath. A dying body with a decaying soul trapped inside. It was her mission to set that poor soul free and she knew, just like the last one, he would thank her once the deed was done. They always did although the family members always protested. Never understanding.
Despite the blood painting her body she couldn't help but stare as she paused resting the bat on her shoulder. Taking deep breaths she knew this last blow would deliver the kill. It would send him home. One that he's never been able to reach on his own.
Lifting the weapon one last time she brings it down onto his fractured skull. His brain matter paints the ground in a breathtakingly beautiful way that nothing can compare to. His souls shifts in his body before being released. At which she frowned at. Could she have been wrong? Was this a soul who didn't want to go home?

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2020 ⏰

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