The Gem

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Hissing encased them in a watery tomb, one they knew would be their last if the torch stays dark. Panic filled their bodies just as the water continued to rise around them. Darkness smothering them while the hissing persisted. At that moment Kyler decided he hated snakes, and for all good reason he knew never to follow Emily when she said it would be "a little adventure" because this was not a little adventure! At least not in his book.

The cool water lapping at his elbows reminded him of the problems at hand, turning to face Emily he stiffened at the sensation of scales brushing against his skin.

"I swear if you don't light that torch I'll drown you myself!" Emily shook off his comment with a grin as it lit on fire. The hissing receded into the darkness that was now held at bay with the help of the light source.

"What were you saying about drowning me?" She waved the torch as if taunting him. Kyler kept his mouth shut knowing that they needed to get out of there as soon as possible. Fear still lingered strong in the air as did the scent of death.

"Let's just grab the jewel and leave." Walking through the water he knew she was going to correct him. Jewel was the wrong word to use and he knew it. But calling it an Ancient Artifact made everything appear just as crazy as it was. He figured Jewel was as normal as it would get on this adventure. As she caught up with him he could hear her muttering under her breath something about artifacts.

Gripping the stone sides he lifted himself up out of the water and onto the dirt covered floor. After holding the torch for Emily and she'd gotten up herself they turned to face what lay behind them. Standing side by side they look down at the coffin.

"I guess this one beats Hunter's prank last year, huh?" Kyler muttered only to earn a wack over the head.

"Ouch! Emily what-" She quickly cut him off, "Shut it Kyler. We're about to steal another Artifact and all you can think about is Hunter's Halloween prank? Have some respect, this thing hasn't been seen in thousands of years." As she studies the symbols on the coffin she mutters under her breath, "Besides it was a dumb prank anyways." 

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