Corrupted Illusions

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The fog thickened considerably since I was last here. Fridge wind tugs on my hair desperate for attention, but I ignore it like always. Knowing I can't wait for him to find me I start jogging through the thick trees. All too soon I feel its presence just behind me. Quickening my pace I start to run as fast as I can. Suddenly my foot catch on an exposed root and as I fall forward I put my arms in front of me for protection.

"I'm not afraid of you!" I yell as I glance up to see an empty forest. Almost as if it was never there. It's empty, completely empty . . . Climbing to my feet I shake those thoughts away because I know it's here. My hands feel unexplainably empty as I wait. The feeling hasn't gone away yet, so I know it's still here. Watching, waiting to see just how defenseless I really am. With a small laugh I watch as it comes out of the shadows of the trees.

This time it takes the shape of a demonic clown, the once colorful clothes now reddened by blood. Black soulless eyes asses me as teeth as sharp as knives grin at its prey. Gray ashen skin rots off of its body. As it towers over me I can smell the foul stench that it emits. Razor sharp claws emerge from its fingertips and I start to realize just how serious this situation is. My first thought was that it would just be a quick kill, no challenge, but it looks like this time is different.

Quickly I reach for my Khopesh, a hook shaped sword. Next I go in for the kill, slashing and tearing through its flesh. After a moment of shock it reacts quickly by swiping its claws across my body. Grunting out in pain I bite my lip, knowing that if I scream others will hear and surely come. Fighting back I hit it anywhere I can. It moves away for a moment before fighting back faster than before, realizing that I'm a problem that doesn't want to be solved. It tries to cut me again with its claws, but I've learned my lesson. Rolling out of the way I quickly get behind it and swiftly cut the head off. The forest is eerily quiet, I note as I put my Khopesh in its sheath around my waist and step away from its body.

Once I'm sure the monster is dead I search my body for wounds. They've always been worse in this untouched place. The pain slowly returns as the adrenaline fades away. Lifting up my shirt I asses the damage, diagonal cuts run across my stomach and arms. Knowing I can't do anything here I carefully put my shirt down.

"I've done my "job" so, why am I still here?"

Now that I look around I notice that I've wandered in farther than I originally thought. I shudder at the idea of something else being out here with me. Jogging away from I realize that I've gotten myself completely lost. Just my luck, I think as I listen to any unusual sounds. A few trees shutter as the bitter cold wraps its' bony fingers around them. One of them must be following me, but I won't notice until it's too late. I'm just a weak human compared to some of them! Any minute now I'll be a goner. I can't help but have the think after that horrible feeling set in. Shaking away my paranoia I keep jogging.

"It's all in my head..." I mutter as I slow to a walk. Something's off, I realize. All too soon I find out what's wrong. The monster I've tried to avoid is here and it's right behind me. Running I don't look behind me as I hear the sound of its feet hitting the ground. Instinct kicks in as I choke down a cry for help, knowing that I'd attract the wrong kind of attention. My side starts to ache as I feel myself slowing down. No, not now! I can't die in this untouchable place!

Suddenly the monster lets out a roar of rage and instantly I know I'm not alone. My legs suddenly give out and I fall to the cold hard earth. My limbs feel heavy and stiff as I attempt to get back on my feet. Grabbing a nearby tree for support I wait for my eyes to adjust to the scene in front of me. Someone is fighting the monster, the thing that was hunting me and he's winning. There are others like me then, but why appear now? Why save me? Is he really like me? I wonder as I watch him kill it. Once the monster drops to the ground he puts his weapon away and runs over to me. Concern painted all over his face like a art piece.

"This is bad, worse than I originally thought." He mutters as he looks at my stomach. Glancing down I see it's now red. Touching my abdomen I find it sticky. Blood. He looks me in the eyes and I notice the beautiful emerald color of his.

"Why haven't you woken up yet? You need to wake up!" He yells at me as I feel the world fade away and I'm thrown into darkness. The last thing on my mind is his emerald eyes.

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