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Falling to the ground like the rain around me I tighten my hold on him. Blurry eyes are shut tight wanting the haunting thoughts to go. Mouth open wide an echo of shattered dreams and memories fall out in chaos. While choking sounds of sadness surround me like the enemy. Red stains all around me like an unfinished masterpiece torn apart by the mad painter who couldn't bring this beautiful vision to life. None of which could compare to the man that lay in my arms as he struggles to take one more breath. Glazing up at me his blue eyes slowly fade as the light is taken from them, from him. Sobbing I press my body against his as he grows heavy and cold. Fingers trembling I trace the features of his face one last time as pain explodes in my stomach. Keeping my eyes on my love I watch as the rain hits his face softly. Thunder rumbles above my head as if to shout that this isn't right. He shouldn't have died like this. He left the world-left me-all too soon. I feel numb at I stare down at his open eyes frozen upwards the dark sky. His dark down hair covers half of his face. Sweeping my fingers across his forehead I move his dark locks of hair out of the way. The wind traces its fingertips over my cheek wiping away the tears.

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