Finding Your People

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The garbage that littered the streets reminded her of Old London (not that she'd ever been or had the desire to go) coughing at the exhaust from passing cars only added to the effect. Stepping over an empty can she looks over her shoulder waiting for someone to make the mistake that will ultimately end their life. Slipping the gun into her hand she holds still while taking slower quiet breaths waiting for the culprit to show themself. It didn't take long for the footsteps to echo from around the corner. Quickly pressing herself against the brick wall within a few counts two shadows spatter themselves across the pavement as their words float into the ears of the stranger hiding in the dark.

"Heard they caught one of The Herrmann Twins. It's a shame that they were too late in doing so. I heard they lost at least eight men hunting him down." One man's words grew louder the closer he unknowingly came to his death. Yet, hearing of one of The Twin's capture has her thinking, Who are these men? She wondered leaning closer in their direction as their conversation continued.

"But they still haven't caught the other?" A rougher voice continues while the footsteps slow and the voices hush under the street light. The rushing by of a passing car causes the conversation to pause, "No, they were close a few weeks back, but the last one slipped through their grasp-"

A rougher voice filled with venom steps in, "This is one fine Chicago police department you've got here."

At the mention of the windy city's police department causes her to hold her breath, suddenly the gun in her hand could sink her to the bottom of the ocean. Knowing that if she is to act on her instinct there's a strong possibility that she wouldn't make it out alive, but that come with the job. Another possibility is that she wouldn't make it to the meeting, or at the very least be late, and that was simply not an option. With that thought in mind she went away from the easily dispensable life forms.

Slightly tightening her grip on the gun in her hand her ears pick up on their moment as they walk past knowing that she has just missed another satisfying kill. The need to kill grows stronger as the voices become drowned out by the natural environment of Chicago, a place full of badmen and steel giants that hid the grime and dirt for those who could stomach it. Turning her back on the two men who still breathe every fiber of her being begs her to stalk and kill them. It is, after all, what she does for a living.

Hiding the gleaming metal from prying eyes herfings bush the note in her pocket. A simple handwritten note burns as embers of a fire when touched. Pulling it out again she examines the address written quickly on the back while the front holds a simple name, ROSE. Grinding her teeth upon seeing the name on there she shoves the note back into her pocket before setting off, knowing that she must be close by now. The smell of this disgusting city must be staining her skin by now, it was then she decided that she favoured her own city.

The passing wind brings the smell of blood and death. Still fresh. She notes growing siff as instinctive as her fingers curling around the handle of her knife once again. Taking slow and careful steps she disappears deeper into the shadows watching as this crime scene plays out in front of her. The body is cut into, the last bit of blood still pooling around the corpse. Dirty clothes unfit for the colder temperatures along with the fact that his dead man is bearfoot leads her to believe that is one of the many homeless rats the litter the streets.

"He won't be missed. If I'm being honest it was more a mercy killing... So disappointing. He didn't give me the fight I was looking for. I suppose that's what I get for picking a man who has nothing left."

His unmistakable accent has her gasping as memories flash through her head. The cool metal that is pressed against her throat while he continues, "Although I suppose you can give the fight I am looking Rose."

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