12: A sober realization

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"So she just came in the house and attacked you?" I roll my eyes and pour myself another glass of wine.

"Kinda but I mean I did tell her don't like whores in my house and she is clearly a whore." I carry my phone to the couch and gulp down some more wine.

"She was also completely high out of her mind Brooke, like her eyes were completely black. I don't if she was walking past and seen a bike in front of the house or what."

After Sarah left I went to the liquor store and bought 3 bottles of wine. Me and Brooke been FaceTiming since Sarah told her everything 'I did to her'. "I would've beat her ass the second she walked in uninvited." I nod in agreement and yawn.

"I swear she goes out ligit every night girl. She's def doing coke." I make a face like 'ya think?' And we both just laugh.

"I think the wine is finally kicking in." I set my glass down. "Okay well imma go to bed to babe, I love you." We both blow a kiss over the screen. "I love you too, goodnight" I hang up and throw my phone on the other couch.

I rub my eyes and grab my glass, walking it over to the sink. "AVERY!" I startled gasp passes my lips and the glass shatters at my feet. "AVERY!?" I bend down to clean the glass, ignoring the door completely.

I'm to tired and to tipsy for this shit right now. The banging of the door gets louder and- "Ow!" Blood starts dripping from my hand as a piece of glass cuts it open.

The banging at the door doesn't stop, my head is spinning to much and I'm getting fucking blood everywhere. in a complete daze as my blood rolls down my finger tips and onto the wood floor. I feel the wetness roll down my cheek.

"RUN AVERY!" My dad yells and I quickly get up and run.

I ran right out the back door and before I hop into his truck I hear a gun shot.

I hop in and speed out of the drive way and head to the one place I know I'll be safe.


"I love you guys so much."

"I'm guessing she's going with Everest."

That's when I snap and lose it.

I rush over to the island where the wine bottles lay and attempt to grab one. This can't be happening again someone can not be out to get me again. I scream and falling to the floor in a sobbing mess. I don't even look up as my front door falls to the ground in a loud bang. I just curl in a ball and all I see is black speckles covering my vision.

This is too much. It's to fucking much for me right now. I should've stayed at my grandparents house. I should've never came here. What was I thinking? Living here by myself thinking it was gonna get better. "Avery." Heavy boots stomp over to me and I just cover my face.

"Just go away." I say weakly and the next thing I know, it all just stops. The pain of everything just disappears as darkness consumes me.


"I don't give a flying fuck! I'm busy right now, so go fuck off!" I slowly open my eyes to notice that I'm laying in my bed. My eyes land on the time.

It's 8 in the morning?

I slowly sit up with a pounding headache and notice that I'm only wearing an oversized T-shirt and underwear.

I swing my legs over and walk to the bathroom turning on the shower. The hot water welcomes me and i close my eyes.

I don't even remember last nigh-.

Oh my god.

Someone pounding on the door, the wine, my hand!? I had a fucking panic attack last night and passed out.

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