chapt. 4 rain

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Haylies pov (pic is elena pretend the neaklace has a E on it)

"Oh my god its pouring out there thanks for letting me in haylie" she said
I laughed silently
'Why're you near my house?'
"Oh i was at camiles house we used to be friends and her grandma died other than her dad her grandma was all she had as a parent figure"
'Oh wow she didnt tell me'
"Maybe she just didnt want you to worry about her"
'Yeah probably is jackson there too?'
"No hes with that fake blonde bitch britney"
"I was wondering how come at the mall you left when you saw my brother"
'Britney told me to stay away from him and well i don't need enemys its hard enough that im mute'
"Yeah you're right i was also wondering are you mute because gou don't want to speak or because you can't speak"
'I can't speak and theres a 0.5% chance i'll ever speak again'
"Wow im sorry"
'Don't be'
The rain let up quit a bit
"Oh i should go before it starts pouring again"
I waved at her as she left than went to go watch my favorite show
Switched at Birth

I fell asleep on the couch good thing i had my phone or i might not have heard my alarm
It was still raining so i put on a red tshirt than a black hoddie jeans and my leather combat boots i didnt bother with my hair or makeup i just walked outside and too school
Beep Beep
I heard a car and looked to find a black benz with tinted windows the person driving rolled diwn their window and said
"Haylie? Get in the car im not letting you walk to school in the rain" it was jacksons voice
I signed
"I know that one and yes get in the car"
After a minute i got in the car and typed
'Thanks ig' and showed it too him
''No problem''
When we got to school i got out of the car and walked away hoping britney didnt notice me but im pretty sure she did i went to the girls bathroom but britney followed with 2 other girls
Britney pushed me and my head hit the counter
"I told you to stay away from jackson you mute slut" she nearly screamed
I felt a warm wetness on my head i was bleeding
The other girls started kicking me in the gut someone came in
"Oh my god haylie!" It was elena
The other girls left when they saw her
I signed
I need to go to the nurse
She didnt understand but knew i needed to go to the nurse elena tried to call her brother after i was able to get up but i typed
'Don't tell him about britney im fine now theres no need'
"Relax i'd never its your bussness not mine but if you get hurt too bad it will be mine and i will tell him but right now you just need a ride back home so i need his car"
I nodded and she talked i listened for a while but fell asleep

I woke up in my bed not understanding how i got there
"Hey" i heard jacksons voice and i flinched remembering what had happend
"Are you ok?"
No i wasnt but i put on a fake smile and nodded my head
"Im not convinced so im staying untill i think you're actually better"
I rolled my eyes than got up to use the bathroom i looked at myself in the mirror with shock i looked terrible i pulled my hair back in a bun and washed my face i changed into a tank top and pj shorts (closet is in the bathroom which is connected to my room)
I came out and jackson blushed which made me blush than he said
"What do you want to eat for dinner" i looked at him wide eyed with excitment and said or rather signed
He looked at me with questioning eyes i face palmed again but this time it hurt and i almost fell down he laughed and i silently laughed too than i went to grab my phone
New text from Aunt Lilly

L: i'll be in orlando for about a week if you don't think you'll be okay on your own get a friend (preferably grace or camile) to stay with you

H: ok

I saw jackson reading over my shoulder
"You live with your aunt"
I nodded
"What about your parents"
'My mom passed away and my dad left when i became mute'
" my mom died too and so did my dad it was in a car accedent"
'My mom died of cancer '
"Wow im sorry"
'Don't be'
He let the topic drop and i typed
'Pizza' to restart the converstation from before
"Pizza it is then" he called for delivery and he paid once it got here
I ate 2 slices he ate 4 
We watched The Walking Dead because he liked that show i ended up falling asleep on his shoulder i woke up to him carring me bridle style to my room when he layed me down i had a feeling in my gut and i didnt want him to leave so i tugged on his shirt to let him know i didnt want to be alone he layed beside me on top of my covers and put his arm around me
I woke up at 7am to see he wasnt there and that i only had 30 min before i had to be at school that is if jackson dives me i quickly got up to find him in my bathroom just out of the shower (he had a towel on thank god) i blushed and ran out
He laughed and a few min later he came out i wrote on a white bored
'Where is my phone why didnt i wake up with my alarm and we're going to be late for school'
He laughed again than said
"One. You arnt going to school neither am i two. You get you're phone back when i give it too you and last but not least you needed to sleep in" he shrugged
I stormed off into the kitchen

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