chapt 10. party prt 2 aka the afterparty

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Jacksons pov (party dresses for grace and camile at top)

After i mutted what i said i looked down and noticed more foudation on her left leg
"Come with me" i said so she did i
I got a wash rag out of my bathroom and ran some water over it than came back out and wiped the foundation off her leg to find a bruse
"How'd this happen'' i asked
She got out her phone and started typing
'I fell'
"Nope what really happend"
'Ugh the jock who you pissed off decided it would be funny to drop his bag full of text books on my leg and i guess it left a bruse'
I felt my face go hard and cold and my hands go into fists
She hugged me and i calmed down and stopped thinking of how many ways i could kill him
I hugged her back and wished that we could stay like this forever but i knew we couldnt she pulled off of me and looked at me sad eyes
"Do you want to go home?" I asked
She nodded

When we got to her house her aunt was awake but levi was asleep
"Hey haylie and hi jackson"
"Hi" i said
Haylie asked her something in sign her aunt nodded and she motioned me to follow her upstairs
She gave me the remote to her tv and typed
'Im going to change brb'
I nodded and looked threw the shows she had on her little pink flashdrive
My choices were
Pitch perfect
Pitch perfect 2
Pitch perfect 3
The twilight saga (not naming them all bc im lazy)
Girl meets world
And almost the whole first season of
Switched at birth
She came out of her bathroom in sweat pants and a long sleaved t shirt
"You ok?"
'Yeah why?'
"You seemed sad"
She just sat on her bed beside me and we started watching pitch perfect
I rapped my arm around her waist and pulled closer to me she looked up at me with curious eyes
"No reason" i said
She put her head against my chest and by about the middle of the movie she was asleep
I held her in my arms a while than i decided to go home

Hella short i know but one of my friends were asking for backsorys and i figured that i could put some of at least what we know together right here so lets start with haylie and work our way thru the ppls

Haylie: lost her voice at 13 said to be mute probably forever her dad left her because she couldnt speak mom died of a rare cancer and haylie is a target for bullying (more backsory will come for haylie as she starts opening up to jackson more) also some unspoken things is haylie has trust issues and she has anxiety and depression

Jackson: semi badboy he has a temper always fights for who and what he cares about his dad and mom died in a car crash which caused him to have to fend for himself he isnt in a gang btw and some unspoken things about jackson are that his really just a nice guy who hides under his scars while trying to be strong or at least what he believes is stong

Grace: shout out to the person shes based off #LoveYouBestie her mom left not long after she was born which caused her to not know pain which also made her better understand love shes emo and only talks to people who are what you may refer to as 'broken' because she always wants to help people the way she never was

Camile: she hides under a thick layer of pain she thinks shes not worth people caring about her she doesnt want to love anyone because everyone she loves is dead (shes based off emma swan from once upon a time as well as one of my other friends) she also has trust issues but a little worse than haylie

Britney: umm well she doesnt know her dad her moms with a new guy like every other day shes rich but hides under a layer of crule mean- ness and thats about it to he honest

Blake: hes emo hes asian and hes a badboy but hes more like robin hood hes a high school drop out hes had a few girlfriends but non for longer than a month (can grace change that?) He beats up the bad guys and is kind too the good guys hes smaller (as in hes not really buff but he has a 6pack lol all the guys have at least a 6 pack lol)
But hes stronger

Camron: badboy kind of a player but he is straight up about it hes looking for the one but wants to have fun along the way theres no trobled back story here

Levi: hes almost 4 yrs old he has a photograthic memory (did i spell that right?) So hes advanced for his age he knows how to read well enough to understand 'hayie' he doesnt really talk much probably because the person he looks up to as a sister (haylie) is mute he doesnt know his father sense he left before he was born when he does talk its most of the time only to haylie

Aunt lilly: (should i just call her lilly?) She was 19 when she took in haylie she had levi when she was 20 she hates people who cheat and she works at a bakery

Thats it and also if you have any thoughts comments or concerns please comment on the story and if you liked it please like the chapters

Byeee guys/girls/other ❤❤❤❤

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