chapt 12. poems and pizza

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Haylie pov (pic is of blake)

I couldnt sleep that night so i got out one of my old note books and looked at my drawings and poem like entrys
One was from when i was 13 not long after my parents started fighting and i became mute

Every thought is a battle
Every breath is a struggle
You hate me?
I hate me too
You say im not worth it?
I know im not
Waist of space?
Yeah sure
No not at all
I may be a nothing
But i am not weak
Nor am i strong
Im neither
And im both.

I found my old phone too it had old voice diaries on it

I cried and cried till i had no more tears i missed my voice i sent one to the group chat i sent a voice recording of me singing the lonely by christina perri

H: voice attachment 1

G: is that your voice??

C: wow

E: its very pretty

H: thanks... i miss my voice

G: i think you are just as perfect without it

C: yeah

E: you are perfect no matter what

I was still crying but not as much

put in my blue ear buds and listend to my playlist called

Life sucks but these songs don't

1. Burning gold
2. The lonely
3. Jar of hearts
4. A thousand years
5. Human
6. Set it all free
7. Little do you know
8. Heart attack
9. Weak
10. Burn the whole house down
11. I really don't care
12. Hold on
13. Demons
(I suggest all of those btw)

I mouthed the words to the songs quietly till i fell asleep

I woke up to the monday morning with tears in my eyes
I slept maybe 2 hours that night i had bags under my eyes and my hair was a mess
I took a shower the cold water felt good on my healing cuts
I wore a black t shirt and jeans i put on a grey hoodie and my black converse i had my hair in a messey bun and i walked to school hoping to be unnoticed but i failed
Amy and ashly came up to me in the hall
"You should just die you know no one wants a whore like you here"
I signed
And walked away making sure our shoulders hit making her almost fall to the floor than i flipped her off i wasnt in a good mood if you can't tell
She yelled something but i put my hood up and earbuds in than walked to my first class
I sat in the back my grades were almost perfect so my teachers didnt even care that i wasnt paying attention

At p.e our teacher was out so i decided to draw and write a little
I startes drawing a girl who was happy on one side saying 'im fine' and crying on the other saying 'im broken'
Than someone took it it was the jock who slashed my with a whip kicked my in the gut and dropped text books on my leg i didnt care i just let him read it
"So little miss mute is depressed?"
I shook my head
"Than whats with the drawings and poems?"
I typed
'it helps me get out my anger but why do you care?'
"I don't i just thought it was your diary clearly not though"
He threw it at my head than went to kiss ashly on the lips
Ew i cringed

At home lilly was at work and levi was with me he of course just went to his room and i made him a snack for a almost four year old he was distant i couldnt help but think it was my falt
He didnt talk much
Maybe because lilly was always at work and i didnt speak his best friend was home schooled so they didnt talk much
After i made him a snack lilly told me she had to work overtime and that i should call a friend over and order pizza camile was busy grace was sick and elena didnt answer so i asked jackson and of course she wasnt busy

Jacksons pov

New text from haylie

H: hey i was wondering if you wanted to come over for pizza and to help me watch levi

J: yeah sounds cool

She told me that i could come over whenever i said i'd be there in 30min
I lived 15min from her house and i was with camron and blake so how was i even gonna get there? I was in my house what excuse could i use?
"You're nervous and thinking lemme guess haylie texted?" Camron asked
"Uh yeah" i said
"What'd she say?" Blake asked
"She wants to know if i can help watch her nephew with her" i replyed
"Go than we'll stay here" camron said
I rolled my eyes and left

Later at haylies house the door was unlocked so i walked inside she had wireless ear buds in while she was cleaning the little mess in her house she had a hoodie and white short shorts on i blushed a little than knocked on the wall
She turned to look at me and put a wide smile on her sad face i loved her smiles but i knew this one was fake
"Hey whats up?"
'Hi and nothing why?'
"No reason" i shrugged than continued "what kind of pizza do you want?"
'Ummm i don't know you pick i like almost every type of pizza'
"Ok than stuffed crust surpreme?"

After the pizza got here and we all ate it we watched a movie and haylie fell asleep on my chest and i fell asleep with her

I heard a knock on the wall which made haylie flinch then i woke up haylie was facing out twords the tv where her aunt was standing i was behind haylie holding her protectivly
"Not a couple huh?" Her aunt mutterd
"Nah she doesnt like me that way" i said
"But you like her?" She asked
"i mean yah who wouldnt?"
"Yet you think she doesnt like her?" She asked again
"No?" I said almost as a question
"You know she never sleeps at night when you arnt here shes nut cutting anymore because you asked her not too"
"That doesnt mean anything" i said
"No i means everything you make her feel safe you make her feel worth it and thats not just friendship its more than that" she said
"Oh" i said blushing tho she probably couldnt tell
"Shes loves you jackson and i know you love her you two are good for eachother you just have to learn to admit your feelings"
But i don't know if i can....

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