The Sins Are Moving Forward

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Your POV

You watch as Twigo flies up in the air as all his armor falls off him. You chuckle as Meliodas smiles in pride as you can visually see his ego go up. You just lay back into Elizabeth's lap and close your eyes. Meliodas sheathes his sword, and with a smile on his face he turns to face both  of you. His eyes were on Elizabeth and one of his hands still resting on the swords handle. He then began to speak.

Meliodas: Well Elizabeth, I guess this means you've gotten your official 1st Sin.... Two if you count Y/n, but he's not an official Sin.

Elizabeth: Huh?

Meliodas decides to keep talking before Elizabeth can think of a right response to the statement, or really the right question.

Meliodas: So listen, as far the other six sins go.... I've got some business to discuss with them. So, I've been using my tavern as a way of gathering information. Buuuuuut if I had a pretty girl in to draw a bigger crowd.... I'll bet we'll see a lot of info heading our way. So what'd you say? Coming with us?

Elizabeth looks at Meliodas in shock, and then almost immediately, with a trail of tears falling from her right eye, a smile. Once she fully comprehends what Meliodas was saying and asking of her, she nods her head vigorously saying yes. Meliodas smirks and looks towards you, you look back at him with curiosity and intrigue, waiting for him to speak.

Meliodas: What about you N/n?

Y/n: If your asking me to be another pretty girl to get intel and serve as a waitress in your tavern..... that's a hard pass Captain.

Meliodas chuckles and Elizabeth looks at you both in wonder. She starts to think about the two of you, realizing that you are both in fact sins, and have known each other for a long time. She wanted to learn more about the both of you, and wanted to find the right time and opportunity to ask you questions. Meliodas interrupts her thoughts by speaking back to you. 

Meliodas: As much as I'd like to see you in our Boar Hat uniform... I'd say the hairy legs would make you look unappealing. Maybe if you dropped the wolf transformation I'd consider commanding you to do it..... Heeeeey.

You knew exactly what Meliodas was thinking of doing and you decided to stop him in his tracks before his idea would become realized. Their was no way you'd allow him to make you pay dress up.

Y/n: Meliodas.... I will give my life to protect you.... but I'd jump off this cliff and run away forever if you even try to get me in any dress. This will be the one order I will proudly disobey,  no matter the consequences.

Meliodas chuckles again, and keeps talking but in a more serious tone.

Meliodas: Heh, for real though. We both know that you don't have to help either me or Elizabeth. You've earned your right of freedom years ago my friend..... so I'm asking you as a friend and Captain. Will you help me and Elizabeth attain our goals.... and bring the gang back together?


You don't look towards Elizabeth, you don't need to. You can tell she's holding her hands close to her cheast, with tears warning to fall from her face. She was holding her breath waiting for your response. She also knew that you didn't have to come. In fact she realized now that she hadn't given you a real choice in helping her and felt kind of guilty for it. But she really wanted your help and company. Meliodas was looking at you with his usual bored expression, but you knew that he was worried on the inside. He also wanted you to come, you'd be very useful. Also the two of you are very good friends and he wants to reconnect since last time. As you were about to speak, you hear a thump and turn your head to see what made the noise, getting into a fighting stance. But then you quickly realize that it was the sound of Twigo landing on the ground around his men. You smirk and chuckle as you look back towards Meliodas, who was now in your face.

Seven Deadly Sins x Male reader (Sin of Blasphemy)Where stories live. Discover now